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Back from AC by Malachyte

I'm back from Anthrocon as of Monday night! It took me until now to write up a journal because I've been busy unpacking and getting settled back in, and also catching up on sleep @.@ I slept... not enough, each night, and forgot to eat way more than I meant to. AC was really fun! I hadn't been since the first and only time I went back in 2011. It's nice that there are so many people I know there, and I ran in to quite a number of people I'd been wanting to meet for ages, which was a personal victory. The downside to how big it is was, well, how big it is! If I needed a snack or left something in the room, it was practically a guaranteed half an hour trip to go get it. This is part of why I didn't manage to make time to eat, because any spare time I did have was eaten up by between-event travel time. I ended up in the alley on Saturday and Sunday, and none of the tables were numbered, so it didn't even matter that I'd announced them ahead of time, lol. I made more off my art than I have at any other convention, and I'm absolutely floored by it. I was able to cover convention and travel costs, food costs, AND have profit left over. Just... wow!

Speaking of speechlessness induced by gratitude, thank you so, so much to everyone that took the time to come say hello to me. It was the most flattering weekend of my life. So many of you had such beautiful things to say about me and my art, people saying they were looking forward specifically to meeting me or that my commission was their favourite, or even giving me gifts of all things. At one point on Saturday, I had a line at my table of people waiting to order a commission from me. A line! People taking time out of their fun, busy experience to just stand there waiting to purchase something from me. I don't even know what to say other than thank you, over and over. I never thought I would get this far with my art, and I feel a really big boost to my self-esteem after hearing all this support from people in person.

I have 4 take home commissions from the convention (all agreed upon ahead of time; I finally didn't take on more than I can handle at a con, yay!). I'll be working on these, and once they're nearing completion, I'll post journals on all my galleries opening for 20 more names to add to my normal commission pool, which I pick names from in random order until all are completed, or three months have passed, whichever comes first. I'll be opening back up for ref sheets when I do that, too.

All my take home commissions have been added to Trello, so check it out and you should see your name on there, and you can follow along with the progress of your commission as I update it.

Back from AC


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