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Anthrocon 2016 Meme by PieMan24601

Where are you staying?
The Omni

What day are you getting there?
Thursday the 30th

How are you traveling?
Car, driving down to the city.

Who will you be rooming with?
stripedpanther tiggercat12 and howe

How is the best way to find you?
The best way to find me is to contact me via my twitter: I'm usually wandering the dealers room or sitting around drawing in various corners and such. I'll also be fursuiting so that's a good way to find me.

Are there any panels you might be attending?
No not really. I always go to the fursuit dance though.

What do you look like?
A dumb nerd. (If you check out my latest youtube video here: you can see my gross face.

Will you be suiting?
Very much yes. I want to suit a lot more this year, because I barely suited last year. So you'll see my wandering and being dumb probably a lot.

Do you do free art?
Not really.

Do you do trades?

Do you do badges?

What is your gender?

How tall are you?
6 foot 1 inch. I'm a big

Can I talk to you?
Yes, but I am incredibly shy, like... horribly shy. I'll chat but internally i'll be like "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING" but regardless please do say hi it means a lot ^_^

Can I touch you?
Only if I say you can.

Can I visit your room?
Nah son

Can I buy you drinks?
What are drinks

Can I give you stuff?
If you want to, i'll just feel bad about it cause i don't deserve that.

Can I hug or snuggle with you?
Hugs are okay if you ask first, i'll be hugging lots in fursuit, but as for snuggles that's a no-no unless I know you well.

Are you nice?

How long are you going?
I'm going for the 4 days of con, no more, no less.

Do you have an artist table?

Will you be going to parties?

Will you be performing?

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Yell either "Chris" or "PieMan" cause that'll do it.

Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
The dealers room/artist alley, and or the zoo or like... the corner. I'll be around

What/where will you be eating?
Food. Yum.

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc? I mean... it really depends on the situation and how much I know you. But probably... no? idk

Can I take your picture?
If I'm in fursuit, absolutely! If I'm not, possibly? I mean maybe? Idk

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
-Don't catch con flu/crud like last year
-Fursuit way more
-Run into some furs I know
-Have the most fun possible
-Buy a game maybe?
-Film a lot more this year, take more videos as opposed to pictures, and make a con video.

Anthrocon 2016 Meme


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