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Anthrocon! by ramzyuu

What day are you getting there and leaving?
Thursday afternoon -> Monday afternoon

How are you traveling?
Flying in on a dragon.

Where are you staying?
Westin (main hotel)

How is the best way to find you?
Tweet @ ramzkun - I will try to keep it updated.

What do you look like?
Blonde guy with a ponytail, backpack and iPad Pro.

How tall are you?
5’8” / 172 cm

Will you be suiting?
No, but will be wearing clothing similar to my character’s. Look for the koi fish t-shirt.

Where will you be most of the time?
I tend to gravitate around the Zoo and Dealers/Artists.

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Approach. Wave. Introduce self. I’ll recognize a character better visually than by name (badge illustrations help!)

Can I talk to you?
Sure, but expect the conversation to be brief.

Can I hug you?
If we know each other and you don’t smell [too] bad!

Are you nice?
I’m the second or third nicest guy I know.

Do you do free art, trades, commissions?
NOPE! Don’t even bother asking.

What is your gender?

What/where will you be eating?
Anywhere near the convention, likely up to friends/group.

Do you have a table?
Nope. But I might hang out near a friend's table occasionally. (not selling stuff, though)

Are there any panels you might be attending?
Will be most interested in art panels/seminars if there are any.

Can I visit your room?
Only close friends!

Can I buy you drinks?
No thanks!

Will you be drinking and/or getting drunk?
MAYBE...! Tipsy, not drunk.

Will you be going to parties?
Doubtful, but still open to it. Not a party person.

Can I take your picture?
Would rather you not.

Can you fix my computer?
I can give quick, general advice but won't do in-depth repairs. (I normally charge people money tech support)

Can I look in your sketchbook?
Sure, though there isn't much on it. (iPad)

Can I watch you draw?

Can you give me art lessons/tips?
Erm! I suppose, though I'm not an art teacher.

Can I draw in your sketchbook?
Please do!

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
See friends, make new friends. Get feedback on my comic project. Work on art skills. Get lots of goodies.



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  • Link

    Looking forward to maybe saying hi! I'd love to draw in your sketchbook too, if the chance arises c:

    • Link

      Aw thanks! <3 I'll be sure to drop by your table.