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General Updates by Virtual

Maybe some sort of greeting would've been a more appropriate first journal, but I definitely let that slip by. Anyways, I just wanted to mention a few things:

  1. I am not dead, just busy and trying to combat an art funk
  2. I recently returned from a tabletop convention, Game-o-Rama, in Atlanta
  3. P.Es.T is still being developed with tons of new art, components, and mechanics
  4. A new project of mine is going to be a rat-themed 54 card poker deck—been calling this Rat Pack
  5. Rat Pack will come with a rule booklet for another game developed by myself
I am better at keeping tumblr and twitter updated with my status, but I can't wait to get more work done on these projects of mine, especially Rat Pack.

Commissions are another thing I'd like to finally open. I'll likely offer a few $15 playing-card-sized illustrations, and also some digital character illustrations. If there's any sort of art you'd be interested in seeing from me, let me know and I'll think about working in another direction.

Payment will be preferred through SquareCash at my cashtag $virtualysis (feel free to donate), but I also have PayPal set up.

Regardless, thank you and I hope your week goes well!

General Updates


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