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TMI Tuesday by Caltroplay

While I'm still working through my prices and such, I thought it'd be fun to do a TMI Tuesday!

So ask away and I'll do my best to answer.
(Let's keep it from super personal stuff for now, first time and all~) :D

TMI Tuesday


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  • Link

    Well, here's a classic: What's the weirdest thing you were asked to draw for a commission?

    But, if that's too personal, how about the much more tame question from the opposite end of the spectrum: What was your favorite commission?

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      I've thankfully not had many bad commissions, the strange things I've been asked to draw are niche fettishes.
      I'm not against most anyone's 'interests', I just don't want to draw most of them.

  • Link

    What drew you to the furry fandom? Do you actually consider yourself a 'furry'?

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      I think I have been in the fandom since I first started drawing really, most of my characters were part animal when they were not heavily inspired by the shows of the time. I do occasionally take hiatuses for many reasons, but I keep finding myself back.
      As for being seen as a furry, I think the definition of it is too widely not agreed on that I can't really say.
      Do I see myself as my 'sona? No not really.
      Do I love animals? Yes, I am definitely a crazy cat lady.
      Would I be spliced with animal DNA if available? Possibly, depending on what was available, and the costs/downsides.
      Do I have a pursuit? No, I go to cons as an artist, and I like to travel light.

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        Yeah, because nobody can agree on a definition for what makes someone a furry, I just go by whether people consider themselves a furry. From as simple as "do you like anthro animals?" to as complex as weighing the different facets of the community and measuring how much of it you participate in, it varies.

        I consider myself a furry, just because I love animals and anthro animals. But I also love cool monsters and mythical beasts. And anime, and... well, basically, I like a lot of things. I don't really consider myself a part of those fandoms as much as I do the furry fandom, however. And that is how I made the final determination that I am a 'furry'.

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    What's your favorite subject/content focus for you to draw? What is the most fun for you to color? Also, I'm curious about both lewd and non-lewd answer to this question.

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      I like to draw wispy things, magical, but can also enjoy a good action scene as well. My preferences are pretty wide really, and vary a lot.
      I think breasts, they used to be a challenge to get to look right, but I have worked on making them look better, and it has paid off.

      • Link

        I could hardly tell that you struggled with breasts. Your artwork has always had this high level of quality since I've started following and watching your work. I know it's not tuesday anymore but I'm curious.. what's the easiest for you to draw for both clean and lewd? Any other pieces of anatomy that you struggle with and conversely.. what do you find the most fun to draw?