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Alright... so i'm back. by Mander

Sorry i've been gone for awhile.

My life in Memphis went topsy turvey when my former partner decided to cheat on me at FWA, then break off our relationship. I left the apartment thanks for the support of many people, and I was right to do so.

I am now living in Birmingham, Alabama with a few local furs, and by the end of the month [June 1st approx] me and... my relatively new partner Sleek are moving into a rental house together.

I found fulltime work within 4 days of living in Birmingham, and have been running around like mad doing that and getting myself caught back up.

Alright... so i'm back.


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    Wow, I'm sorry you got cheated on like that. Glad that you found some support elsewhere, and a new partner!

    So glad to see you back! :D

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      thank you

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    Not to make light of a shit situation, but I feel this is a grand example of something bad leading into something good. I mean, it sucks you got cheated on but the end result seems to be a very happy and positive one! (´・ω・`)

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      Overall I am in a much better place without the disgusting influence of someone hated damn near fandom-wide ruining what was my love and life.

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    Sorry to hear that happened to you. I'm glad you have someone to help you and take care of you emotionally.

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      It hasn't been an easy ride, I'll tell you that. But I am taking every new day I'm blessed with and making things better for myself.

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        If you ever need to talk, you can hit me up.

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    Glad to have you in this wonderful city

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      Where you from, your accent sounds exotic

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    Cool. If anyone can make it, its you.

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      Some days are harder than others.

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        But that also means some days are easier than others. #2deep