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Got called a hatemonger today by ACDragon

So it's now "hatemongering" to point out the flaws in John Stossel's "logic" about homeless people in America?

After all, EVERYBODY KNOWS (no they don't, and even if they did they'd be full of shit) that all homeless people in the US of A are homeless by choice, because John Stossel interviewed a whole TWELVE homeless people and came to the conclusion based on those twelve interviews that all homeless people are homeless because they want to get rich without having to work (despite, of course, the mountains of evidence to the contrary, but then again how do you play to the fears of xenophobic bigots in this country by citing actual statistics?).

And of course poor people aren't really poor because GASP! we have refrigerators in our homes. After all, no apartment complex in the world has refrigerators included in them before you move in.

Oh wait. Yes they do. And they're found mainly in UNfurnished apartments.

We're also super-rich because we have air conditioners... despite the fact that several states REQUIRE apartment complexes to have working air conditioners in each unit in order to lease them out.

But, but, but... we must be super-rich because yanno, we have microwaves... that cost maybe thirty dollars at Walmart. Damn pesky facts getting in the way of the narrative.

OH WAIT, I KNOW!!!!one COMPUTERS!!!!!!! Woo! There's one you won't be able to get around. Poor people have computers! That means they're not actually poor.

Actually, John, a brand-new computer doesn't cost that much. You can get a decent budget model for like $300.00. It's not like it was back in the 80's when a brand-new base model computer could run upwards of $600.00 without the monitor (which, adjusting for inflation from 1986 to 2016, equals more than $1,200.00 in today's money), and you had to take out a loan to purchase one. Now computers can be bought with the chump change in your pocket.

But heaven forbid I point out these facts and not get called a hatemongering liar by some idiot Youtube commenter who thinks that a tabloid "journalist" like John Stossel is a Holy Man of God or something for outright LYING about the poor and the homeless.

Got called a hatemonger today


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