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Skype/Steam, Commissions, and More! by Dark Violet

Hello there! Been a while with a lack of communication, so I thought I'd just shoot a journal towards you guys to let you know the whys and wherefores~


So, this is mainly towards those who already have me on there. You've probably noticed something about me, and that's that I don't start conversations - and, well, that's just me in a nutshell, really. The only time I really start conversations is when I need to know something, need to ask something, or whatnot. Why? Well... multiple reasons! The main one is that, if I'm online, I'm usually doing something - whether it's drawing, watching something or working on University stuff, I'm rarely just dicking about waiting for something to do. And alas, those two things don't lend themselves much to having conversations on the side - my attention is already focused. Combine that with those I am talking to because I need to (For work purposes, art purposes, etc.), an active household and mix in a modicum of introversion and you get very little socialising indeed :D

Now, it hasn't always been like this, I know. I used to be a lot more talkative in the past. I used to frequent group chats, start conversations just to shoot the shit, and all that stuff - but alas, these days I'm feeling less and less up to it. Is it the increased pressures of art, of relationships, of Uni? I don't know! It's just how the chips have fallen, the cookie has crumbled, the pent up wolf has... anyway.

So, I'm saying this because... if you wonder why I never talk to you, well, very generally that's probably why :P And if sometimes I never hold a conversation when you do start one, by seeming to disappear for minutes at a time, it's because of stuff like that. It's like if you're watching a movie and someone tries to talk to you in the middle of it - you could tell them to just go away and come back later, but when that movie keeps going on for most of the day... y'know? So you send a message here and there during the quiet moments and hope that does fine~

What SHOULD you do then if you wanna talk? Well... do try and send me a message! Just know that I might not respond right away, and it may not always be at the best time. I'm also usually more receptive if you launch into a subject or something - standard hellos aren't much to work with sometimes :P

In short, I'd like to apologise for those I've not paid full attention to, but alas I can't do that for everyone and keep up life as it is! Maybe in the future this will change. And, short note - I do value each and every one of you on my skype, and if you do send me a message I will try and respond when I can. I super enjoy talking to so many of you; you guys are a load of fun <3

Side note: If I'm gaming or in a call, I will often not even realise I have a message waiting for hours sometimes, so don't get too offended if I don't reply - sometimes I don't see it until an hours later and you're offline, at which point responding to a "Hi" is pretty redundant ^^;

tl;dr: I'm a busy/asocial wolf, so just because I don't start conversations doesn't mean I don't like you. Feel free to shoot me a message, but don't feel bad if I don't reply much - I might just be too busy drawing anatomical diagrams wink wink nudge nudge.


So, after a bit of deliberating, I decided I'm not going to open up commissions this Easter as usual. I'm sorry for those that have been wanting something, but prior involvements, plus the fast approaching exam season (Masters year, oo-er X.x) would make it rather more difficult and complicated than I'd like. That said, I'm hoping to open up commissions this summer instead, so do stay tuned for that~

No art!

Yes, I've not posted any significant art in a month! I'm afraid the last load of Uni work had me rather busy (But damn was it interesting~). I have been working though, and I'll have at least one thing to show you by the end of the weekend. And I can promise you that there will be much more after that...

So that's about it. I'm not very chatty (sorry!), no commissions until Summer, and art is coming!

Take care, you guys. And I'll see you all soon~

And for those that got all the way down here, have some music. Hope you enjoy it~

Skype/Steam, Commissions, and More!

Dark Violet

Journal Information



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