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SIGNAL BOOST: Help Two Lovers Unite! by Synhowl

Looks like my first Weasyl journal is gonna be to help a friend, heh. ^_^;;

Trying to get the word out for a very close friend of mine, whose trying to finally bridge the gap with his boyfriend, after 5 years 3 months of being in a long-distance relationship.

As someone who HAS a long-distance mate (my girlfriend), I know firsthand how hard it is. It hurts like nothing else in the world when all you want to do is hold that person, laugh with them, play with them, share your world with them ... and the miles in between keep that from happening. I've been with my girl for a lot less time than these two guys have been together, so I can't even BEGIN to imagine how much harder it's been for them. Theirs has always been a rough situation, with a LOT of twists, turns, and ups/downs over the years, and they deserve happiness together.

Naki was recently moved out of his mom's home and into a new place, so now he finally HAS that chance ... but not without help. I -know- the inherent goodness of this community, and it's capacity for great acts of compassion to those in need. I've seen it with my own eyes. And I know we can do it again.

Here's a link to the journal, if you want to give him a hand:

Even if all you can do is post a signal boost journal, it ALL helps. If a thousand furs each just pitch in a -dollar-, that's all it would take. The more of us there are giving, the less each of us would need to give to help. Enough drops of water together can create an ocean.

So whether you give from your pockets or give with your assistance and support, I'd mean a LOT to me if you all could help two good guys finally take that next huge step in their relationship. Everyone ... EVERYONE ... deserves to be with the one they love.

SIGNAL BOOST: Help Two Lovers Unite!


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