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Just an update! by cheshirecatsmile37

I haven’t had anything to post or talk about in a while, so I thought I’d just throw an update out there

I’m going to start lining all of the sketches soon!
I have one more sketch to do before I can call the regular commission queue finished for sketches, but I’m still deciding on a pose so I’m going to start lining stuff while I kick down this creative block

I also have a few emergency commissions that I haven’t started on, but they’ll be next in line of course. I just wanted to get some commissions finished up, because it feels like ages since I’ve actually finished anything...

Our kitty is feeling better!
Well, not fully looks like he’ll be on medication for the rest of his life to keep the fluids down at a normal level, but I’m glad that he’s stablized
I’d like to thank everyone that helped us out in that <3 We were able to pay back my mother-in-law for the money we used as well as cover the bills our money was meant for

I still have to take some near the end of the month to cover the mortgage payment...but I’m not exactly sure how I’ll go about doing it
As it stands, I’ll probably just do some YCHs
My mother-in-law is paying me to take down all the wallpaper in the house so we can paint (such fun...can’t wait...) so that’ll be a good portion of the payment but I’ll still need a bit more to cover the rest
That also will put me more behind this week since I’ll need to focus on getting the wallpaper down before the painter comes ugh
Forever behind on commissions I’m so sorry everyone...I feel awful making commissioners wait so long and taking on more commissions in the mean time...
That’s why I’d rather do a few YCHs rather than regular commissions so I can maybe cut down on the workload and finally catch up next month! But we’ll see

Sorry for the wall of text!
I’m going to start lining commissions to clean up my queue!
I’ll be a bit behind this week because I have to take down a crap ton of wallpaper and that’s a great time
I’ll probably be doing some YCHs near the end of the month
I’m sorry I’m so slow!

Just an update!


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  • Link

    Well worth the wait. ^^ I hope everything gets sorted out for you so you can get back to normal!

    • Link

      Thank yooou~! TTwTT It's been so hectic oh my goodness...I didn't think I'd be as busy as I was. I hate wallpaper so much wowee