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Why I Won't Be Buying The New Hitman Game by ACDragon

On Steam, the new Hitman game his mixed reviews, with about 51% of those reviews being negative. However, on trying to read those various reviews I get only the "three most helpful reviews," no matter what setting or filter I use. I cannot read any review beyond those first three. Two of those three are glowing reviews with great detail about the game. The only negative one I am allowed to see is a quick two-liner that doesn't give any detail.

I don't know whether to pin the blame for this on Steam or on IO Interactive, but I'm far more willing to bet that it is, in fact, IO's doing. They've done shit like this before with Hitman: Absolution and it's horribly messed up disguise system. People fixed that problem independently, and then IO promptly disabled that fix in their very next update to the game, making it abundantly clear that they do NOT want people to play Hitman games as if they were actually Hitman games, but instead expect Hitman fans to enjoy getting gunned down by twenty Chicago cops because they instantly recognized that that SWAT officer with a full face mask was an imposter after one of them turned around half a mile away and took a quick glance in his general direction. These kinds of antics have left a bad taste in my mouth where IO is concerned, and though Steam has done some pretty shitty things in the past as well, that I can read all the negative reviews on all the other games I have but not on this one IO Interactive title tells me that IO is either passing large amounts of cash over to Valve, or possibly threatening legal action due to all the negative reviews their new title has gotten... because stifling negative reviews are far less costly than making a good game and not fucking it up with gimmicky bullshit, don'tcha know.

So yeah, I won't be buying this game. I mean, I can't read the negative reviews that tell me why I shouldn't buy the game. I can only read a two-liner saying it's a shit console port and don't buy it because it's the "most helpful review" of its type.


I finally was able to access the various negative reviews, and as far as I can tell, I was right about the reviews being stifled. Essentially the negative reviews focus on the game's poor performance as compared to the beta, as well as on various bugs and advertised features that were inaccessible (namely the Paris mission in the Starter Pack, which according to the advertising IS INCLUDED in that, yet the negative reviewers who bought the Starter Pack were unable to load them because they supposedly didn't own the product.)

The various negative reviews had a constant number of "10 out of 25 people found this review helpful," which has me seriously considering the possibility that the downvotes were by the same 15 people. Whether they were working for IO or were just IO fanboys, their downvotes of the negative reviews have made it so that in the Steam client, people can't read the vast majority of the negative reviews for this game.

Why I Won't Be Buying The New Hitman Game


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