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Rambling and Numbers by SumiInk

I decided to look through some views on some of my draws then finding the lowest one o recently popular. I'm guessing it was probably just out of curiosity but eh. I didn't want to average out on everything so I used recently posted on my side and did the math in my head. So, this is probably inaccurate
Myths seems to be averaging to 15, seems to be more consistent.
Normal drawings are closer to 20 but varies greatly
and the lowest number I could find for the recently popular was approaching 70, but now is closer to 100.

There are a large amount of variables on this so no large connection between these besides the first 2
I have a few guess for the difference in numbers
1. Most of my drawings are flagged for critique, so more people probably saw it. Myths isn't.
2. To help with time, Myths lacks some of my usually shading. It's also generally lax when it comes to movement, since it's not needed at the moment (will change soon, though).
3.It's a comic
4.It's just started and still needs to grow
Probably once something passes 70 there might be a spike of some kind, but that's just guess. I'd probably be freaking out if that happens.

Just thought it'd be interesting to dig into this, but it has led to a question I'd like to ask to you.
Should I start putting some more effort into shading and lighting for Myths? It'll look nicer but, it'll take longer to create and some colors might be inconsistent. I commonly use overlays which can be tricky to copy. I do plan on adding more lighting and such to chapter 2 or later in the current one. I'm guessing it'll take 3 months at most to get to chapter 2, more or less. Either way, changes will come soon.

Rambling and Numbers


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    I'd be careful about increasing your comic's art quality. I know a few comics that have tanked because they don't update very often, because they have become too art-intense. Although people will always scream for better art.
    Remember, one of your comics is the equivalent of a few commissions, often with multiple characters and at least a simple background - that in addition to fitting everything in with a text-box, and possibly designing the general layout (I am not sure where hodgescarfwearer's work ends and yours begins)
    Whatever you do, you should try to keep your updates to at least once a week if you want to develop a rabid fanbase.

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      That's why I plan on doing it later. I should be able to make the pages faster or easier by then.
      I usually consider the pages as simpler drawings, since I go all out when it comes to commissions when given the chance.
      While i do draw out the pages, Hodge and I work on the rest together.

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        Also should have mentioned - art is usually part for you and part for the audience. Make sure you spend enough time on what you enjoy or you may lose interest. For the comic this may mean a compromise between what is structurally sound, and what you and Hodge simply enjoy doing.
        It's all good designing the optimum comic, but it will become stale if you don't get any enjoyment out of it.