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Rose Update (Thank You) by Menageriecat

WHEW, what a ride. My previous journals talk about the insane roller coaster ride both my oldest therapy animal, Rose, and I, have been on.

tl;dr: About 4wks ago, Rose appeared to have symptoms of a respiratory infection. Three antibiotics and several immune boosting supplements later, even combined in a cocktail of healing, could not cure the infections I suspected. Under my suspicions, I felt she had congestive heart failure, which stuck for this 3wk ride of insanity. I was finally able to bring her to the vet thanks to a couple incredibly generous individuals. The following insane ride was my unwavering drive to advertise emergency comms and item auctions via Furbuy and Ebay to afford her most expensive medicine, which was $91. A dear friend of mine graciously covered the cost of her first medicine (a diuretic). Another lovely individual contributed to the $91 med, which took a good edge off the cost. All in all, it was one hell of a ride for 3wks.

Anywho, catching up to speed here. Rose was diagnosed with a heart murmur and fluid in the lungs. She's now on a diuretic and an ACE inhibitor ($91...wowee).

Thanks to these beautiful people who came to my aid, and to those who kept my spirits up during this insane ride, Rose is now doing wonderfully. She's acting like a young rat, like she's six months old again, rather than a sickly, elderly rat. She's excited, eager, playful, sassy, energetic, and has a great appetite again!

I want to deeply thank those who helped me out financially... you all very well likely SAVED her life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Rose Update (Thank You)


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    I am so, so happy Rose has made such an excellent recovery. <3 This is the best news I've heard in a while.

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      (sorry for being a slow thing) big big big big biiiiig hugs <3 Thank you again :3 She's doing so well, and I'm so happy to see her waddling around like her old self again :'D I'd say running, but she's got partial hind leg paralysis that I seem to have stunted with B complex...B12 supplements, which is awesome and I didn't think it would work THAT well, but oh boy has it :D The paralysis hasn't creeped further up her spine for many months now, so hooray! She's an old lady with old lady problems, but she's a sassy little young lady at heart <3