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Puphf's MASTER!! BIO: by PuphfAndFriendsOnWeasyl


Josh is Puphf's Master, guardian, and friend, and he was the first person/being in the world to offer and to give Puphf a place of love and security. From this, the power of the potential of a curse/darkness within Puphf has been shattered; by the love introduced by Josh, Puphf has been able to be used by the goodness that is within him to change the bitterest hearts, and to open the eyes of the blindest souls; through Puphf, who has come to grow in this goodness after being freed from the hands of the curse/darkness that was within him, people's eyes have been opened up to the love and the goodness that exists in this world. Puphf, being freed from lonliness and confusion himself, has been able to grow within a contentment and a security of love that was birthed around him. He, his three cousins, and his two sisters all went to live with Josh after a bloody invasion they'd gotten caught up in; they'd come from a far-away island, from whence all their history lies. After Josh, who was the first person in the world to do so, extended his arm out, forth, to Puphf, following a great and destructive invasion Puphf had been caught up in, and said ‘‘Hey: you can come, with me; you know, to my house; to live. I'll take care of you; we'll be friends; you'll never be lonely or lost, ever again––,‘‘ Puphf has been forever changed. Having left his adoptive parents to seek out his biological parents, Puphf spent a lot of time in the wilderness, having to abandon the idea of security and comfort in order to survive in a dark and dangerous woods, filled with various terrifying creatures; he'd had to fight creatures as strong as dragons, with not even knowing that he was part dragon, himself; and he'd had to work himself hard, without a second to rest, to climb up on top of the food chain; he'd always had to be tense, and ready to fight off a creature, no matter how depressed or weary he was. And, also, he'd undergone various [trances] that through them the great power of his titles, or ‘‘abilities‘‘, could come to synthesize with his physical body, so that his body would adapt and thus learn to handle the great and massive power that was and is inside. Puphf has, through those trances, adapted to inborn powers of various extents and capabilities: he is connected to the multidimensional nexus and can, thus, traverse through it and manipulate it to be wherever he wants to be; he is a powerful elemental; he is half-dragon, half-‘‘boy‘‘, and changes forms randomly, or depending on the circumstance; etc.. But that moment that Josh offered Puphf security and love in the form of guardianship and friendship, which Kuloraki Puphf had never before experienced in constant conditions, Puphf was forever changed; the power of his curse was shattered, and he can, now, fight for, and be used by, the goodness that is in this world, and which has overcome the world; and, thus, Puphf has overcome the world, and has many times proven his power over it by conquering various evil forces that have tried to rob people of their rights and of their own securities; Puphf has attained the title of The United Nation's Nephew, and The United Nation's Very Own Protector... and Josh is Puphf's Protector and caretaker, because Puphf's incapable and needs that kind of care. Puphf has, since coming to live here in the United Nations (California, specifically, and currently) with Josh, from his homeland, a far-far away kingdom of fantasy, grown in the goodness he was introduced to, and he's stood up for it as its advocate and guardian. He has met a lot of loving friends, and has been able to live closer to/spend more time with the preexisting friends he'd, as a child, escaped to, through traversing through space, on various occasions, deeming them and the world that they loved and lived in an imaginary place, or an"escape", in his mind, but all with feeling that they were, undoubtedly, real and alive, and not all just made up fantasies in his mind. And among these friends Kuloraki has grown up with one who is most similarly like him, 's character…. Puphf and his best-est friend in the whole world are very much alike, and have gone through similar experiences... and they can, thus, be close to one another in a way that no other two can; they have practically grown up with one another (or, rather, they have known one another for a very long time), and have grown to be as close as brothers, or even closer. The finalization of all this love that is around him started with that small spark of blessed love and kindness that came to be from Josh's giving up his house and life to take in Puphf and his family as his family. Josh and Puphf have always been bonded by destiny, but the moment they came together as friends spelled nothing but the birth of a goodness within the Dragon-Boy, Kuloraki Puphfgust, and, for that, he is eternally grateful for. Puphf has since gone along with his best-est friend in the whole world (Josh's friend: 's bibby boy) to save the world countless times against villains, most of whom they've befriended; they may be from different cannons/respective universes/histories and they may belong to different Masters, but they together have been used for mass revivals and for salvation, and can call each other "best friend". Josh knows Puphf better than Puphf knows Puphf, and they will always be close as The Guardian and the guarded; as nothing less than friends.

Puphf's MASTER!! BIO:


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