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An Introduction To PUPHF FRIENDS!! by PuphfAndFriendsOnWeasyl

‘‘HIII my name'mis Puphf! ˆ–ˆ You can call me Kuloraki, doe, if ya' want! I'm REAL nice! I doe noe a lodda things, an' people say dat I'm not dat smart, bu' I really love my friends an' I've gone t'rough a lodda journeys dust ta be wi' dem! I live wi' my Master Dosh an' my frienemy Xycore! He's a POO 'cause he's evil an' he always likes'ta tell everybody what'ta do! He doesn't like me 'cause he says dat I'm too much'a a "goodie-two-shoes", bu' I doe even wear shoes, I wear cuffs! Bu', I noe dat Xycore is'sa good guy on de inside, he's dust really messed up 'cause he's got issues! Heheheheh!‘‘

‘‘Issues!? YOU are the issue, you red annoyance! My generous abidance for such behavior ofYOURS is solely upon the basis of your being a vacuous impediment to MY destined achievements for world domination! I've been in animation for a LONG time, and hence my cerebral intellect FAR exceeds the likes of YOUR––‘‘

cuts him off ‘‘BLAH BLAH––!‘‘

‘‘You are a vacuous piece of a carbon-based, nonessential––!!‘‘

sits on him

‘‘AAAAH!! Curses!! You dull-witted, imbecilic––!! Always getting in my way, you––!!‘‘

knocks a bookshelf on him ‘‘Heheheeheeheeh!!‘‘ sarcastic tone ‘‘He's always in such'a good mood! Anyways–––I'm PUPHF! I like'ta spend time wi' my friends, 'cause I'm blessed ta have a LODDA friends! an' I go to ALL of dere houses! I like ta' visit old ladies in dare houses––I like'ta barge inta dare houses, t'rough da walls!!––an' I like'ta eat dem an' take all dare chocolate chip COOKIES!! 'cause I LOVE DEM an old ladies always have dem! I like'ta go for runs down da middle of da street an flip overCARS an hurl dem inta stuff an' make fire!! an' I like ta help out construction workers by taking dare equipment!! An' I chase people wi' it! Heheeehe!! People say dat I'm silly an I'm dumb, bu' I'm dust innocent, 'cause I doe know dat much about stuffs. Dosh says I'm codependent, 'cause all my relationships are dysfunctional, an' I guess he's right. When I get attention I feel all gud inside, an' dats why I love everyone so MUCH 'cause I-I–– 'cause I doe deserve such nice friends! Bu' on a boring note: I've had a despondent an' poignant past, 'cause I've lost a lodda things an' I haven't had a lodda things dat a lodda odder people like me have'ad, an' I've always been different 'cause'a who I am... an' I've never really had a home, 'cause my living conditions have been so inconsistent; t'ings've been hard, bu' dat's why I noe dat I have'ta latch onta da goodness, dust like da DONKEY says––!!‘‘

‘‘There is no donkey, you––....‘‘

cuts him off ‘‘An' virtuousness, 'cause bein' like dat––latchin' onta da goodness an' da virtuousness––will keep me innocent'of da ability'of all da hardships'an t'ings dat I've been t'rough ta drag me down wi' sadness, an' destroy me; I godda stay strong! I understand dat my home is where my heart is, an' my heart is where all my love is…… in Dosh, an' in Xycore––‘‘

‘‘I am in NO way affiliated with such likes as––‘‘

hits him upside the head with a book and kicks him ‘‘'cause I love all'a dem so much! I've always been really imaginative an' I t'ink where I'm not so smart in my head I compensate in my chest, 'cause I godda big heart. I may not be as smart as ev'rybody, an' I may not be able ta say dat I'm a normal person who has'a house, a-an' parents, an' who grew up wi' dese tings.... bu' I godda big sister, Terry, who I look up to, 'cause she's guided me t'rough all da difficult times, an' she's always been dare when I felt like I was too different and not gud enough ta be as good as ev'ryone else, when I've been lost and alone... an' I met Xycore, an' a lodda odder frienemies, who I've formed codepencencies wi', an' because'a dat I've, t'rough dem, grown so much... a-an', an'... an' I guess wha' I'm tryin' ta say is dat even doe I'm not gud enough 'cause I'm different, an' thus I don't fit in, a-an' even doe I doe got all da t'ings odder people got... I-I got a lodda t'ings ta be t'ankful for, a-an' I really take those ta heart. I LOVE YOU!!!!‘‘

lifts head, disgusted ‘‘You possess the uncanny ability to touch the hearts of and befriend almost anyone... it discomforts me, those words which shoot warm tinglies into my bones! Strength is in value, and thus I shall annihilate all the thingies you wretched, carbon-based pieces of trash have uprooted, in order to uphold a true world of peace... a world without disorder; without the capability of mistakes, which has entered this land by the likes of you HUMANS! This cretinous, nincompoop-ious MORON has gotten in my WAAY with his disgusting ideals of LOVE and of GOODNESS! New things come from DESTRUCTION; new things are birthed from new beginnings. And, thus, I shall study this Puphf, for he has a certain non-logical power within the components of wence he places his values... w-within the "mushy, lovey-dovey, 'goddie-two-shoes'" components of goodness, and grace.... He has some outlandish power within him, which far exceeds the powers he has claimed under the names of history, and hope. This power; this uncanny "love" which he harnesses with such grace... I shall learn of it, that I may take it for myself... get him out of my way... a-and I will continue my method of WORLD DOMINATION!!‘‘

‘‘I doe t'ink you'll get dat far; 'cause I'm not gonna let you!‘‘ smiles ‘‘I'm gonna beat DOWN your darkness... an' den I'll consume you in GOODNESS! An' you'll be left completely touched, an' changed––.‘‘

‘‘J-Just don't... d-don't mess up my hair, or wrinkle my cloak in the process....‘‘ touches the bald top of his skull-head, as if fixing his hair straightens out cloak ‘‘It just came out from the EVIL dry-cleaners... t-the... THE DEHYDRATED TO DEATH CLEANERS.... t-the... THE DEATH––!!!!‘‘

pushes him out of the way, and to the ground ‘‘HEEHEHEEHEE! I'm BORED!!!‘‘ walks over him as he leaves

lifts head off of the ground ‘‘I-I--.... I wasn't done talking.... meanie....‘‘ makes an angry fist ‘‘I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR OBSTRUCTIONS!!!‘‘


Puphf is a bewildered, absentminded, innocent, idiotic Dragon/Human hybrid, who's knowledgeable in his maturity and in his intellect, though he is too much of an idiot to ably any of these things to real life; typically only by his righteousness and while in times of hardship does he realize the obvious need to use his mind, and begin thinking. It is rumored that his brain is nothing but a compilation of crayon scribbles, indicating that: he never had a brain to useTO BEGIN with, has had only a mind, ‘‘the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought‘‘ (definition from the dictionary on my Mac), and has stuck (perhaps) crayons in his ears which have been shaken around in his head, thus causing them to move around to create a floating mass/blob of multicolored, child-like scribbles (x-rays have shown this). Or, being the fact that he has magic properties from possessing a dragon form, i.e. Puphf The Magic Dragon, perhaps he divided himself, shrunk one of his two selves, and went into his own mind to scribble all over the emptiness that's in there; perhaps he grows a brain when necessary. Either way, Puphf's a rateable idiot... who's just looking to find a place to fit in, in this world... and I love him very much. Even though he cost 1,000s of dollars in city damages every day because of his anxiousness and his wild nature. Oh, yeah... I'm sorry; I apologize for that. Please don't sue. ~Josh, Puphf's Master & Guardian

An Introduction To PUPHF FRIENDS!!


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