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Price change coming soon! by Zaezar

I want to tweak the prices last minute before I posted this journal, so the new prices will have to wait until later. But in TWO WEEKS I will be updating my commission prices to be more livable. If you want to get any last minute commissions at my cheaper price, please do so soon! All my info is available here:

Along with the updated prices, I will be making things a bit more clear. For some reason I thought it was a great idea to just have a maximum price and have everything commissioned be below that if they don't want a full commission. Sound confusing? It was. So, Instead, I will be going a bit more normal with a price sheet, levels of art, and more care to show differences in style. I also hope to have an "experimental" slot where you can find a style that I tried once or twice and I can remake it for you with a discount. I experimented A LOT. I hope that would get some interest. I need to work out a couple things first.

The final update will be that I am moving my commission info to a Google Document. Why that? It's far easier to keep track of than three websites, and I can use more websites without having to move more info over. Imagine having to re-do my commission info (html links and all) on three sites that all use different systems! Heck no!

So, to be clear, on the 27th of Feb I will have my new prices locked in!

Price change coming soon!


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