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January, a Summary by Deleted1BH

So it’s been a while since I’ve been on here and instead of trying to list ton of apologies to my 3 faithful followers (since you guys talk to me anyways) but lets just say that I got busy and a whole lot got goin’ that’s only gonna get busier than here.
So right now, I’ve been ordering and gathering seeds to begin my crops this year. Right now I have nearly 100 Brunswick cabbages, 100 Purple Cabbages, 12 bell peppers, 50 celery, and 42 broccoli (don’t ask). By the end of the week, I’ll have jalapenos, cayenne, and thai peppers planted, yellow, red, and white onions, and shallots planted as well as an interesting plant called Roselle. Roselle is apparently used to make a cranberry flavored red drink from the calyxes. Sounded interesting enough to get. Next week I’ll be planting my tomatoes, carrots, and ... uhh... I’m pretty sure there’s something else... maybe the squash? I dunno. I got it on a calendar.

Aside from vegetables I’ve been pruning and tying down the apple trees and blackberries. I’m hopeful that almost all but 8 of my apple trees will be producing this year. I’ve also, in some heat exhaustion induced madness, added two more rows of blackberries. Last year two rows produced more than was able to be picked. Why two more have now been added I haven’t the slightest idea.

The cattle and puppies are doing well. four new calves and the two dogs are growing at a steady and happy rate! Its hard to tell which pup is smarter or feeling less stubborn on any given day... they’re only 3 months old and behaving quite well for their age.

Just last weekend I hammered out my first knife! Its a simple railspike knife and I sewed up a sheath for it today. I’m... optimistic to say the least about the forge and future blacksmithing projects. Next on the list? tools. After that... what do you guys want me to try and make?

January, a Summary


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