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Calamity by KickPunch20

This morning I attempted to turn on my computer and was greeted with the Matrix. I can't get more than this green/black/gray pixilation as a response from my computer, and I'm flipping out. If I lose my computer I'll be missing scholarship essays, client information, commission progress, references, character trades, ect. and I'm in a borderline cold sweat panic. One of these scholarships has a deadline NEXT WEEK!! The thing that gets me the angriest is that I was using that god-forsaken devise LAST NIGHT and thought to myself 'I should probably go get my backup drive because I haven't done that in a while' but NOPE may LAZY back-end couldn't get out of my chair and walk up some stairs to get the freaking thing.

I've sent it off to tech support, but there's no guarantee as for what they can recover.
For now, I'm using another computer and attempting to stop my pacing because surely I've created a dip in the floor by now.

** ! UPDATE ! **
Wonderful news! They were able to access my files and retrieve some of them! It's the some that I'm worried about... Tech told me there's no way to repurpose or restore it, so RIP laptop. Oh well. Thing was old and overstayed its use anyway. Hopefully I've learned my lesson so things like this won't have to happen to my new computer.



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    I have had the same thing happen with my apple tablet happen i know how you feel

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    Oh no!! Hoping for the best!