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fursuiter meme by Dreaming_Nightmarez

Fursuiter Meme! Meme created by Kuhori and Mordrude

My fursuits mentioned in this meme:

How did you discover fursuits/Fursuiting?
through the internet but i didn't join until my friend did

What made you decide to get/make a suit of your own?
i love costumes and wanted to show everyone my character more

Did you make your suit or buy it? If bought, who made it?
i bought it and The Frozen Phoenix made it

Why did you choose this maker if bought?
they are a trusted friend of mine

If you could have anyone make your next version, who would it be?
i don't know. depends on how i'm feeling at that time

Best suiting experience:
haven't had many yet in enzo

Worst suiting experience:
haven't had any yet with enzo

Describe your first suiting outing:
i was super excited cause i had just gotten him. it was a chill day and it was mainly a picture day ^^

What is your favorite part of your suit (a detail that's special, or something you feel was executed perfectly)?
his head. i absolutely love his eyes and the way he gives off a little bit of attitude with them

What would you change about your suit if you could?
hmmm don't know. maybe the feet. i'd add shoes inside so they're not sliper feet. but otherwise i think he's perfect

How long did it take to save up for your suit -or- how long did it take you to make your suit?
ummmm i was doing payment plans with them. but it took about 6-8 months to finish paying him off completely

What does fursuiting mean to you?/why do you fursuit?
it means something special. cause you're taking this character you had designed/or designed yourself and exposing it to others to give them a fun and new experience. i fursuit for the little one mainly. i love to see their happy faces and know that i made a difference in someone's life.

If you had to choose a maker from an opposing style to make a version of your suit in their style, who would you choose (Between toony and realistic)?
i think i'd chose phoenixwolf suits

Do you prefer suiting at cons or at public events/places?
it really doesn't matter to me

Do you prefer suiting indoors or outside?
outside cause then i can sometimes catch a nice cooling breeze ^^ but doing it inside doesn't bug me either.

Do you talk in suit? Why or why not:
i try my best not to. because each character has a different voice and personality to go with it that i personally feel i can't do. so i don't

Is your suit your fursona a representation of you or just a character to play?
enzo is only a character to me. but he's not just for play. each and every one of my characters are all special to me. enzo to me kinda helps me realize that not all coyotes are vicious monsters.

How do you like to perform in your suit? What character do you give it?
i give enzo a snarky kind of character who like to flirt and could care less about others XD but around the kids i always try to act like a puppy no matter what character i am.

Did your character’s personality change at all after getting a fursuit?
yes and no. they change in suit and become nicer than they actually are because i'm trying to be a bit more approachable in costume. however online is when you can see their real personality. so it's kinda like when they get turned into a fursuit they put on a "mask" to hide their true nature.

Fursuiters! You should fill this out too!

fursuiter meme


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