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2016 by Menagerie

Happy New Year Weasyl.

So since this is the period of our planet's revolution that we usually examine the previous year's activities, and make adjustments and goals for the next I've been going over some stuff. I finished six classes with some labs, and passed all with As and Bs. I'm still a bit of a lightweight for schoolwork so that is pretty good for me. That took up the bulk of my attention this year, and my habit is that as things get harder I close out activities that tend to distract me because I'm pretty easy to distract. Didn't have to many curves thrown at me otherwise. One short notice trip, and had to be an extended pet sitter more than once, but that's all good.

I wasn't as socially active as I would have liked, but I did meet a few new furs online and that's pretty cool. I'm really sorry for those of you I had to keep conversations short or had extended periods of absence. I just knew if I turned the messengers on I'd loose 3 hours of the day minimum.

Looking at this time last year I was thinking about attending a number of conventions and managed to make.....none of them. :( Looking at the upcoming year I can make the prediction now that I know I won't be able to make any of them. Might be able to eek out an Elliot's event, and probably the Winter Carnival if I'm not to tied up.

But on to the part that most people watch me for. The arts. While my posting was pretty light last year the few times I was able to be drawing It didn't take me to long to get back up to speed. The cintiq I bought is very helpful and working out well. While I couldn't find 'the' animation program I liked I found a few that work ok enough for the moment. While I don't do commissions I attempted my first work that was someone else's idea and took inputs from them, and it went pretty well. I also entered a contest with a pic that had five chars in it that I was able to do in about a day. That's lightspeed drawing for me.

For the next three months I don't have as much critical stuff going on. So I'm going to try to see how well I can do a lot of marathon drawing from now to then. The late spring and summer are going to probably be a wash as I'll be involved in some training that's pretty high pace and important. Might be able to do some more in the late summer. For the fall and early winter I don't know. That part is way to much up in the air.

So that's how things are looking right now. I hope you all have a great year ahead of you. Thanks for listening.



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  • Link

    Happy new year to you as well. Hope your year ends up going great!

  • Link

    Glad things are going great, and congrats on the As and Bs!

    • Link

      Thank you. At least being quiet this year paid off somewhere.