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Marisa Miller (Goes by Tricky) by SumiInk

Marisa Miller (Goes by Tricky)


Marisa Miller (Goes by Tricky)
Early Teens

Her parents died in a shipwreck. She refuses to stay with relative or go into foster care since she believes her parents are still alive despite them being gone for a year. While she disapproved, she was put under the care of a relative after it became known that she was living in an old building by the shore. She actively avoided them as much as possible.
She soon found out that the necklace had an very odd ability. After face planting few times, she quickly took advantage of it and ran away to a sunken pirate ship (she soon moved to some ruins). She now spends her time treasure hunting or searching for her parents, who have now been dead for 6 years if not more. Tricky has came to the conclusion that they must be at another town.
She soon manages to tag along with a treasure hunter, who she calls Drake, to his displeasure and annoyance.

Occupation: Treasure hunter (She usually sells her cheaper findings)

Personality: Tricky is very feisty and cocky. She constantly has a sarcastic tone and wishes to go on adventures. Her quick temper and inability to resist shiny things tends to lead to issues. She loves to debate and mess with others.

-She's very skilled in tricks and sleight of hand. Other than that she fumbles besides writing reading.
-A known trick she pulls is to swap her necklace with whatever trinket she wants. Eventually the person will fall over by a fish tail replacing their legs. She uses this inconvenience to get the necklace back. This is barely done since the necklace is precious to her.
-The necklace is a heirloom that she had since she was little. She can turn at will due how long she had it and she can stay underwater for a long time even without the necklace.
-She keeps the hat with her since it was her father's. She'll do whatever she can to keep it.
-She has an affinity for fish.
-she has a pirate-y way of talking (Commonly using Aye instead of Yes.) She can talk formally if she wanted to, but that's boring.
-She has vitiligo, which is the decrease of pigment production of various body parts. In her case, it's the skin.
-She only tells her actual name to those she knows she can trust. She could be sent to relatives she if told the wrong people.
-She could be explained as a crow with fins. She loves shiny things and is usually loud and annoying.

-Update: Added other facts and tweaked with backstory-

Character Information
