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Masika Faol by FeyPhoenix

Masika Faol


Masika Faol
5' 0"
Tree Pangolin

Character art by LarkspurDragon LarkspurDragon

Notes For Commissioned Artists

Attention to detail gets you everywhere with me! <3

  • Transgender lady (she/her pronouns)
  • Tongue is as long as her body
  • Plated scales go from the top of her head to the tip of her tail
  • Tree Pangolin


  • If given free reign, Masika is soft spoken and shy. She is often moody and, though she likes people, she has depression and tends to think herself a bother to those around her. She likes to look cute and sexy, but has a very negative self-image and will take compliments as if the person is just trying to make her feel better or manipulate her.


  1. Cute and cuddly
  2. Sexy and sassy
  3. Pizza
  4. Delicate touches
  5. Being physically close to people she likes
  6. Using her long tongue for various things
  7. Rainstorms
  8. Fruit
  9. Sweets
  10. Feminine entities


  1. Vibrant colors
  2. Pastel colors
  3. Swimming
  4. Gaming
  5. Visual arts
  6. Video game music
  7. Electronic music
  8. Getting into a story or game enough for her to forget about life


  1. Feeling stupid
  2. Feeling embarrassed
  3. Needing glasses
  4. Working pointless jobs
  5. Being treated as inferior
  6. Being made fun of
  7. Masculine entities


  1. Her self-image
  2. Her depression
  3. Not knowing when someone is sincere
  4. Feeling alone
  5. Feeling disconnected

Character Information

Masika Faol
Writer, Dreamer, Low level IT tech
Melodia Inner City Tech Division

I may have based a lot of her life around my own, lol v.v

Masika was brought into the world by two loving, but unstable parents. She was named Masika because she was born in the middle of a torrential downpour. She had two older siblings that both loved her, too, but treated her like a pest during much of her younger childhood. And on her fourth birthday, she learned that her mother was pregnant with another sibling. She was the youngest for four years and got a lot of attention during that time, but after the little one was born, that attention was lost.

She was a hyperactive child and got into trouble a lot for doing stupid things. She was a bit of a worrywart and was terrible with directions, so it was good for her, in a way, that her family stayed in the same area for most of her life. She made a few friends around the neighborhood, but they tended to favor her older siblings more and eventually stopped being friends with her or treated her as a third wheel in favor of the siblings.

It didn't help that her siblings, especially the one closest in age to her, made fun of her and treated her as a nuisance in front of her friends. Typically, after the friends she thought she had got closer to her siblings, they would all purposefully go to places to hide from her and would run away or pick on her mercilessly if she happened to find them. Masika always wanted to hang out with her siblings still, even though they treated her that way.

Her siblings were very protective of her when it came to others picking on her, though. It didn't happen very often, because she was rather large for a pangolin, but occasionally they stepped up and either scared bullies off or turned the tables and got the bullies picked on instead. This lasted until middle school, when she ended up the largest of all of her siblings. She was more of a gentle giant, but her size was intimidating and most of the other kids left her alone. She was not very large overall, but her species was usually no more than three and a half feet tall, on average, and she was almost five feet tall. And her scaly plates looked especially sharp.

Her parents got separated when she was in third grade and then divorced officially when she was transitioning. It was for the best. The two of them fought all the time and since her father was disabled, he watched her and her siblings while her mother was working and going to classes to further her education.

She passed through middle school without much else going on. She did meet a friend who she managed to keep being friends with all the way through high school and even a bit after, but they drifted apart later. High school itself was lonely, though she did make a few friends that were only slightly more than acquaintances. Most of them were friends of convenience, like partners in labs or on other projects that knew she was smart, despite her being terrible about completing assignments outside of class. None of them kept in contact after high school. She was not exactly the best at keeping in touch with people, either.

Masika never really planned to go to college. Her family was poor and because she frequently failed to complete assignments that were meant for home, she didn't have the best of grades, either. They weren't bad, considering she was actually quite intelligent, but the averages were reduced enough by the incomplete work to make make her grades merely average overall.

She started to work at a pet care facility at first, but hated the job and the pay. When the opportunity for a better position opened up, she had been asking about it, but they went with someone else. She was upset by it, and realized at that point that her job was going nowhere. Thankfully, shortly after that incident, one of her sibling's employers came to her store and saw how diligently she was working and offered her a job working there as well. It was another crap job, but the pay started out much better and she knew there would be room to grow.

She was still living with her mother at the time, and was big into playing online games. She was pretty good at them and she made a lot of friends within the games. Escaping into the game became the only thing that made her happy, which was very dangerous for her. Her job performance suffered and as things in her life started to change drastically, her need to escape became more frequent. Her mother sold the home she grew up in and moved a couple hours away into the next territory, forcing her to either make a long transit back and forth every day or to move in with her father, who was only a few minutes drive away. She chose to move in with her father. He was happy to have her there, but he was a bit of an enabler, allowing her addiction to the game grow.

Her sibling eventually invited her to get an apartment with her so that she could be away from her parents, but this move ended up being more detrimental than helpful. Because she was so used to her father getting her up and making her breakfast every morning, she would frequently sleep through her alarms and be late for work. Significantly late. Were it not for the fact that her boss liked her, she'd have likely been fired and put in a very bad spot. Instead, her boss tried to accommodate her so that she could get her shit together. For a while, the shorter, later hours worked, but eventually she slipped right back into her bad habits. At that point, her boss gave her an official written warning that if she did not start to improve her performance and tardiness, she would be let go. They also cut her hours more and her pay, which forced her to move back in with her father. She was no longer able to afford her half of the apartment and her sibling would not tolerate a free loader.

Shortly after that, her sibling had a psychotic break and was admitted to an emotional recovery unit. Masika, despite being told that it wasn't her fault and it had nothing to do with her, felt partly responsible because she had to leave the apartment so suddenly and leave her sibling with all of the expenses. Her sibling had a history with bipolar disorder, but she had in under control with medications. She found out later that she'd stopped taking them because they were giving her horrible nightmares.

While living with her father and his new spouse, Masika started to get a bit more active around the house. She also started to clean up her act, quitting most of her online games because of how they were affecting her life. She was never very good at being punctual, but after then she stopped being more than five or so minutes late unless it was something out of her control. She also stopped calling out as frequently as she had been. Her boss saw her performance improve and soon she was asked to handle minor tech issues again, rather than the clerical job she had before.

Masika's timing was great because, after she got promoted, the department she used to work in was dissolved, leaving several people looking for work. Having dodged that bullet, she was pretty grateful she got herself together. She still didn't really feel motivated to do much with herself, though. As a low level tech she was making decent money, but not quite enough to live on her own in Melodia. So, she remained living with her father to both help him out and to reduce her cost of living.

She is a bit lost in life, unsure of what she wants to do, and is reaching an age she expected to be a lot further along in life. This fact depresses her often, but the worst problem is how she gets paralyzed by fear, preventing her from moving forward.

Perhaps one day she will be able to break out of her shell, as the expression goes, but, for now, she just drifts along in life trying to find her place.

Character Information
