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Xigosklaswatao by FeyPhoenix



450 lbs

Character art by BattleFerrets BattleFerrets

Notes For Commissioned Artists

Attention to detail gets you everywhere with me! <3

  • Pronouns: Xig, Xigx, Xigs, Xigself
  • Large forelimbs are used for walking, rear limbs rarely ever touch the ground
  • Though thick and heavy, the forelimbs are quite flexible and limber
  • White spots on the head are chromatophores, able to change color and appearance at will, though this is typically only done on rare occasions and during Arbitration.
  • Yellow areas of the body are full of photophores, able to be controlled at will, though they are inactive unless Xig has consumed a special meal. Usually consumed before formal meetings and Arbitration.
  • Two large tusks on the top jaw are attached to flexible joints, and can be moved in almost 360° fashion
  • All 8 (4 on either side) infrared pits are pierced, as well as the underside of the jaw
  • Clothing is considered unnecessary, and is typically not worn. Fancy decorative clothes, as pictured on the right, are occasionally worn for formal events or Arbitration, but Xigos usually only does this on the whim or behest of those Xig is visiting.
  • Eyes are completely hidden when closed.
  • Tongue is prehensile and only the tip is a semi-rigid structure. The base is a very soft muscle that can be extended or compacted with great degree, allowing it to be fired out like a lash or retracted within Xigs head without it getting in the way.


If given free reign, Xigos is calm, calculating, intelligent and solitary. When faced with a challenge or emergency, Xigos is capable of making quick, informed decisions and will readily defend Xigself if necessary. Xigos loves to spend time alone, though Xig rarely is able due to Xigs position as Arbiter. Any free time is cherished, though Xig is also able to escape into Xigs own mind and process things much faster than most other creatures, giving them more 'time' in essence.


  1. Respites
  2. Eclipses
  3. Solving conflicts peacefully


  1. Solving conflicts with minimal elimination
  2. Being planetside


  1. Tension between nations or planets
  2. Solving conflicts with mass elimination


  1. Nothing

Character Information

Xigosklaswatao 'Xigos'
The Arbiter of the Vraubryhz Republic
Creshk Fleet
Currently residing aboard Hullepseo, Scholar class star cruiser

A long history

Xigos' life started tens of thousands of years ago, on a planet that has now been destroyed. Early in life, Xigos' species was an uncommon sight. The species was very long lived and very hard to kill, so it didn't reproduce very quickly. In fact, after its current iteration, the species stopped producing offspring almost altogether. Instead, when two would meet, they went through a sort of rebirth. The two would share helpful data to aid in their survival, often things like genetic traits or physical attributes, and then their insides would liquefy into a primordial soup inside the durable outer shell. Inside, the genetic data would be altered or reconfigured or simply added to, and then the body would rebuild, creating a new life inside the old shell. In this process, information was not lost, but memories became more like documentaries of another's life to the new personalities that emerged, so the newly created creature would be different from the former.

Since the outer shell was usually used for protection during rebirth, it rarely changed. Though, if necessary, the occupant usually found a place to hide and the shell was also broken down and reformed. Xigos' last rebirth went through that process, creating for Xigx the ability to manipulate chromatophores and photophores embedded into Xigs shell. This change became an invaluable part of their continued existence, allowing for Xigx to calm, or hypnotize others with flashes of color and light. This was a clear advantage when faced with constant attacks from the other developing intelligent species of the planet.

The much smaller, much more aggressive and short lived crustacean-like species somehow managed to band together and create instruments of war. They spawned rapidly and most of the planet was in constant turmoil due to their apparent need for bloodshed. Xigos' species would sometimes enter the conflict accidentally, but due to their tough exterior and powerful limbs, they were never really threatened by them, not even when projectile weaponry became commonplace.

The Flueshllu, as they called themselves, would eventually create the tool that would be their undoing. It wasn't a weapon of war, but a space ship. Their strange gravitational neighbor, another planetoid hosting another burgeoning intelligent species, was always a curiosity for the Flueshllu, and once they learned that they could travel there with simple spacecraft, they waged war on the planet. It seemed to Xigos that the Flueshllu were unable to control their nature, despite showing the signs of high intelligence and the ability to learn rapidly. The neighboring planet's species, unfortunately for the Flueshllu and Xigos' species, had already developed weapons of mass destruction, including a weapon that researchers and archaeologists later discovered was called the 'planet cracker' in the native language. As soon as the first warband was sent to the surface, the planet cracker was fired, and Xigos' planet underwent rapid destruction.

Nobody had given consideration to what would happen when the planet was destroyed, though. The planet cracker lived up to its name, causing the planet to shatter and explode. But given the close proximity of neighboring planets, the enormous chunks of Xigos' homeworld were hurled into them, as well as causing catastrophic changes in gravitational fields, sending many pieces flying out into other planetary orbits and ruining them as well. By the time things settled, five planets were facing extinction level events, and two were completely destroyed.

Xigos' survival was a mixture of pure luck and many different survival tactics learned over the centuries of rebirths. When it was clear that the planet would not survive, Xigos curled up and retracted Xigs vital innards to the center of Xigs body, creating a lining of soft tissue capable of blocking various radiations and creating an insulating barrier before going into a hibernation-like state. After that, it was just a matter of circumstance. The section of planet Xigos was on did not get jettisoned out of the stars' orbits and was one of the few larger chunks that did not impact another planet. Though Xigos' body did end up floating in empty space for a while, Xig eventually was pushed back to the surface by other debris that lodged Xigs body into the surface until Xigs discovery.

It took several hundred years of patience before a group of scavenging Oplogikas ships came and took the shell onto their vessel with the intent to sell it as an artifact of the dead planet. They were quite shocked and some were very frightened when Xigos awakened from hibernation and started asking questions about the incident and other survivors. The Oplogikas were unable to understand Xigos, and vice versa, but it was obvious just from their bewildered expressions that this was the first time any of them had seen a living specimen.

Communication was difficult at first. None of the Oplogikas on board the ship had experience in other languages, and even if they did, Xigos' language was both audibly unique and now an ancient, dead tongue from a dead planet. They were also afraid of Xigos, since they knew nothing about Xigx or the species, and locked Xigx away in a containment block. Thankfully, Xigos has always been a quick study. After just a couple days of observing both body and spoken language, Xigos was able to replicate them. The body language was a bit tricky, due to the wildly different forms the two species possess, but between that and the mastery of the spoken language, Xig managed to get Xigs point across.

One of the many adaptations Xigos has to Xigx advantage is a series of muscles and vibratory organs within Xigx throat, allowing for a huge range of sound production. Coupled with a long, prehensile tongue capable of many alterations and further expansion of phonemes, Xigx has been able to communicate with many species, both feral and of higher intelligence. This became a truly useful asset when Xigos was introduced to the failing efforts of diplomats from planets at war to stay calm and tactful. After several minutes waiting for Xigx turn to be dealt with, Xig picked up enough of the two separate languages and then enough of the argument to deduce and convey a solution. The room went silent and all heads turned toward the cage Xigos was being held in.

The shock of Xigos' sudden interjection wore off and the diplomats considered the proposal. The two offered counterpoints, but Xig asked a few questions and then figured out ways around them. Finally, when the fragile truce was settled upon, everyone wanted to know just what Xigos was. At that point, the scavenger crew stepped forward and explained the situation. They were seeking recompense for the discovery, but due to laws against trafficking creatures of higher intelligence, they were offered nothing and told to release Xig to the government for study.

While Xigos didn't really care about being put under a microscope, or asked questions, the body language of the official when they mentioned 'study' did not sit well. Xig quickly proposed that Xig was an invaluable member of the scavengers' crew and could not be detained unless the captain released Xigx into their custody or Xig was being charged of a crime, a rule Xigos learned from resolving the diplomatic issue just before. Xig knew the captain would see infinite more value in Xigx as a member of their crew but, just in case, Xig went on to explain how Xig helps them locate priceless artifacts and important documented history of the planet.

While it wasn't untruthful, Xigos did know where valuable items and information were, that was before Xig went into hibernation and the planet was torn asunder. The captain of the small scavenger fleet was uneducated, but not stupid. They could see what Xigos was trying to do and contemplated the veiled proposition. It was an unprecedented incident, with many risks, but in the end, the captain was out of options themself. The expedition cost them more in supplies than they made from materials and artifacts collected and it was clear the crews were not getting fed properly. It was difficult times. They reluctantly agreed and asked to take Xigos with them. The xenophobic diplomat gave it a long pause before complying. If they'd have thought of random crime to charge Xigx with fast enough, Xig'd probably not be where Xig is today.

Xigos proved just how useful to the crew Xig could be even before they left the embassy. Xig quietly asked the captain if there were any ways to gain profit from information, to which they said yes. Xigos then offered information regarding the tragedy that befell Xigs planet, but required a big reward for how rare it is. The Oplogikas diplomat refused outright, but the diplomat of the Dylesk species, still hanging around to make the agreed upon conditions official, spoke up. She offered to pay whatever price they asked, as long as Xigos and the crew accompanied her back to her planet so that historians could properly document it and ask Xigos questions directly.

The promise of whatever price they desired plus the fact that the Dylesk was significantly less abrasive and xenophobic made it an easy decision. They were given enough time and credit to refuel and get food before they were escorted to the Dylesk home planet. The Dylesk diplomat was a young female of the species and, much to Xigos' chagrin, was very interested in getting to know Xigos personally. She claimed to make the trip aboard the same vessel as Xigx as insurance, but she bombarded Xigx with questions. The first few revolved around how Xig survived for so long out in space but they quickly turned into questions about Xigs species… particularly their reproductive functions and what they did for pleasure.

Though Xigos was somewhat flattered, the girl was radiating heat and pheromones, clearly desiring to explore new territory. Xig politely refused and, when pulling the captain aside and querying them about it, discovered the Dylesk are a very promiscuous species that seems xenophilic, though the captain admitted to only being subjected to rumors, not personal experience.

Xigos never did like rumors, so Xig went back to the cabin the Dylesk diplomat was in and asked Xigs own questions. She was in the middle of meditation, but welcomed Xig in, apologizing for her forwardness. She said she is usually not so forward, but felt something immediately upon seeing Xigx. She then verified the rumors, but went on to give a brief history and general knowledge of her people. Or at least the most common qualities... all individuals have the capacity to be different. The insight would prove useful in Xigos' journey.

Making a new life, gaining renown

Arriving on the Dylesk home world was met with much excitement. Xigos was already the name on everyone's tongue by the time they all got planetside, and a huge crowd greeted and cheered their arrival. For some, it was the fact that Xigos somehow survived for so long, for others it was curiosity, and for nearly all of them, it was the potential to learn of the ancient civilizations. There were some sceptics, but there was no denying the appearance of Xigx. They'd found other shells of the deceased that were not as fortunate as Xigos.

A museum dedicated to the lost civilization has been on their planet for centuries, gathering artifacts and information where they could. Xigos was surprised at the amount of information they'd managed to gather and get correct. There was much that they speculated on that was not correct, however, and a lot of it was with regards to Xigs species. Some of the incorrect articles would definitely explain why the young diplomat was so eager to get close to Xigx.

Over the course of a few weeks, Xigos and the Oplogikas were treated like honored guests and given whatever amenities they could desire. Xigos spent most of Xigx time with the historians and learning their written language, which Xigos has more trouble with than spoken or body language, and eventually took to writing out what Xig knew Xigself. The Oplogikas scavenger crew was rewarded beyond their imagining. The captain was being humble and only asked for compensation enough to keep the crew afloat for a few years, but they were given enough precious materials and credit to live out the rest of their lives in luxury.

A lavish life wasn't for all of them, but three of the original eight crew decided that they would be happy retiring. It wasn't much of a surprise. The three that were done were the oldest of them, and were nearing the average age of retirement anyway. Scavengers rarely get a big payday and many of them scavenge until the day they die, so the captain was glad to have made their lives good enough for actual retirement.

The captain and the rest of the crew loved the exploration too much to stop, though. But now it was more of a pleasure cruise than a desperate scramble for food. This changed the dynamic of the group as a whole. Xigos was asked to stay on by the captain, who wished very much to learn more. The captain was not a scavenger by choice and the educational system of the Oplogikas at the time left much to be desired.

Xigos agreed to join them, and to teach the captain all Xig could. They began travelling to all the different planets, learning about, and of, different species and languages. Xigos learned much about them and conveyed the knowledge as best Xig could to the captain, when they had trouble comprehending on their own. They took a tour of the outer reaches of their binary system, visiting the home planets of the Gnel'oloe, Knoecrok, Ounuonso, and finally the Zyclats. They also discovered an inhabited planet thought to be uninhabitable due to high levels of seismic and volcanic activity. The Rueduhn, as they called themselves, were resilient and fast moving, but lacked a strong base in research and development due to the hardships they face daily. Xigos, with the permission from the captain, invited some to come with them to help develop ways for them to persevere. An adventurous few with a desire to see their people prosper joined with the crew. All of the planet's inhabitants were hospitable. The Ounuonso were the most gracious hosts by far, mainly due to being the first to hear rumors about the existence of Xigos and being a curious sort. By the time they arrived there, the fleet had grown by several ships, and many more crew members. Xigos had a habit of solving conflicts or making sound decisions for the alien races, giving Xigx a reputation as a problem solver. And an arbiter, if you will, sought by many.

The original members of the Oplogikas scavenger crew were growing old, and their children were already to the point of having nearly full grown children of their own. The children that didn't take to the life of exploration moved on to other things and the remaining took positions aboard the ships as they became available. The only original member of the crew to not bear children was the captain. Xigos had shared a few intimate moments with the captain, finding Xigself wrapped in the larger creature's embrace during the long designated sleep hours. Xigos doesn't need sleep, so this left Xigx with a lot of time to think about Xigs past and what felt to Xigx like a very bleak, empty future. The captain's gesture, while a genuine display of affection, used to make Xigos long for the discovery of another who had survived as Xig did, then Xig would be able to stop this life and begin anew. But that feeling eventually faded, and the captain's embrace became a comfort in the face of the new reality that Xigos was part of. The likelihood that another of Xigos' species had survived, much less be discovered at this point, was growing slimmer every moment.

When the captain was reaching their final days, Xigos spent a lot of time by their side. It came as no surprise to anyone that the captain was passing the lead to Xigos, but what was a bit surprising is what the captain wished done with their body when they passed. They wanted to be brought to the place where they discovered Xigos, to be anchored to the surface and left as a sort of landmark. And as a final request, the captain asked that, if Xigos ever found Xigself at the end of Xigs life, or found another of the species and was going to be reborn, that they do so there. When asked why, they simply said that that is where their life truly began, when they discovered Xigos there, and wished to share that moment with them.

The chunk of planet, thankfully, had found a stable orbit around the stars, and the beacon the Oplogikas crew put on it years ago was still active. The captain passed on the way there, wrapped in the embrace of their life companion and friend.

The now and future

Xigos delivered the body Xigself, leaving the captain in a curled up position, much like the ones they would be in when embracing Xigx. Xigos is not particularly sentimental, but that event was the closest to genuine intense sentiment Xig ever felt toward another.

After that, there were many requests for Xigos' presence. After all the problem solving power Xig showed, a conference between representatives of each planet were sent to discuss an alliance. War led to the destruction of several planets, and nobody wanted a repeat of that event, especially Xigos.

It was not immediate, but after several years of conferences and compromises, the Vraubryhz Republic of planets was created. Xigos was given the title of Arbiter, and was deemed an authority over all disputes between the planets and peoples. Xig was granted a scholar class star cruiser by the Dylesk and an ambassador and small crew was established from each of the planets.

At first, Xigos was only called in for matters of great importance, or in the case that a peaceful resolution could not be met without Xigx. But as time moved along, the requests became numerous, and often times petty. New political leaders would try to meet with Xigx and establish a rapport or gain favoritism, but Xigos had lived for far too long to be swayed from unbiased arbitration. This, naturally, upset some of the more fragile egos, leading them to spread slander and lies about the Arbiter, but it was much too easy to prove false and expose the egotists.

There were many who thought that Xigos had too much power though. They were usually among the vast populations that have never met or seen Xigos in action, but they do occasionally cause trouble and start campaigns against Xigx. These groups are usually stopped just as easily as the egotistical politicians.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are also several factions that worship Xigos, much to Xigs chagrin, thinking Xig is some kind of deity or at the very least a prophet of their established deities. These factions, many of which begin with the Rueduhn, are difficult for Xigos to deal with, mostly because any interaction with them is taken as proof of their existence and influence. Xig usually just ignores them, unless they try to commit acts of violence in Xigs name. It has only happened once or twice in hundreds of years, but each time has been dealt with harshly, which has the unfortunate side effect of causing a flare in that faction's numbers.

After many centuries of dealing with all of the different species, Xigos learned several ways of extracting the truth from them regardless of their willingness to cooperate. This is done through hypnosis, mainly using Xigs chromatophores and photophores, creating patterns and rhythms that lull them into a state of euphoria and answering honestly makes them feel great. This isn't used in all situations, only those that Xigos feels warrant it.

Now, between tasks, Xigos has the Hullepseo, named as a reminder after the species that inadvertently destroyed several planets, and Creshk fleet searching for remnants of Xigs home planet, hoping to find another of Xigs species. There is very little free time for Xigx, so Xig focuses all of Xigs attention on the search when it is available.

Xigos does not wish for death, but Xig feels like a rebirth is centuries past due.

Character Information



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    639 How do you even pronounce Xigosklaswatao? By far the strangest name you have come up with!

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      Imagine that you have three mouths and three tongues, then start from the beginning middle and end, all at the same time. Work your way toward the end from the beginning, the beginning from the end and either end from the middle. That is how you pronounce Xigosklaswatao

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        ROBIT SEBS IS OVER PIPPED! ┗[© ♒ ©]┛ ︵ ┻━━━┻ //flips over the tea table