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King by katryano



genderless / he, his
0,5 m normal / 2m insane
15 kg normal / 30 kg insane


genderless / Lanxlit / 5 yrs old

0,5 m height, 15 kg weight short hair, short round horns, claws only on feet, short chubby tail, flat teeth, tiny ears, tiny tongue


2 m height, 30 kg weight
longer hair, fluff on legs, arms and tail, tail becomes longer slender-like, huge sharp claws on hands and feet, longer ears, long pointy horns, sharp-like teeth, very long tongue with black saliva
his skin is very soft and very warm on touch, fluff is rough on touch (like hay)
always grins, his legs and arms are extremely strong, can swing his tail at someone
has dark red tongue like here:

The difference between "pet" and "monster" appearance is simple. Pet occurs when Ryan is around. Monster occurs when he's not and it's basically the true, original state of insane Lanxlit with no sanity left. The pet one has a little bit sanity left, meaning that Ryan can reach King with his words and order him to do things.

child like behavior, doesn't talk but laughs and smiles a lot, has tons of energy, loves taking care of plants, humming, drawing, sleeping
loves cuddling and touching


grunts a lot, can speak but does it only rarely, hates others touching him but let's Ryan pet him or even ride on him, always has good mood but says a lot of pessimistic things

can't swim in any form, hates water

can hide anywhere since is so small

very fast runner, can pick up heavy things, jumps very high


scarfs and bandannas

What are Lanxlits?

Lanxlits are small creatures, only about 0,5 high. They are born from ash, stones and lava and their lifespan is up to 200 years. They're mainly omnivores but they prefer meat. They have an obsidian gem placed anywhere in/on their body which works as their second brain. The gem only activates if it has enough power. How does it charge it power? There are two things that can power it up. First is time. Every 10 years the gem uses it's own power it has created and transforms Lanxlit forcefully into insane mode. The other way is touching lava. If Lanxlit touches lava, their body starts to burn and the gem quickly drains the energy created from heat to power itself up and transforms Lanxlit into insane mode. Insanity cannot be prevented from happening, meaning that Lanxlit is sure to destroy villages and kill people every 10 years. The damage done to environment and others can vary, if it transforms somewhere near civilization, it can kill up to 200 people in few days and destroy homes. If it transform far away in the wilderness, it doesn't have to do any damage to surroundings.
Lanxlits cannot breed. When they're born they just live up until their time comes. They burn down in flames when they die. They also cannot be killed; their bodies are extremely resistant to colds, heats, bleeding and even limb loss. They can harden their body when they feel endangered and can reach the hardness of diamond.
They do not age, normal sane Lanxlits look like children and even behave like that. The only "adult" looking version of Lanxlits are their insane forms.
Lanxlits can either live a happy life between people and other creatures or lonely life in forests and caves. Sociable Lanxlits often try to find a "master", person or creature that will take care of them. If they get attached to someone, that certain person gets the power of immunity (they cannot be killed by that one Lanxlit) and they can also stop Lanxlit from attacking their surroundings.
Insane Lanxlits cannot change their expressions or way they talk very well. They're basically controlled by the gem and they cannot very well reach sane state so they may sometimes laugh crazily and shake their head in weird twitches. Their sanity comes back when gem runs out of power (it takes the gem about week to run out of power, if the Lanxlit doesn't do anything like running or carrying things the power can even last for month).
There are also fully possessed Lanxlits. It basically happens when the gem has fully consumed their brain and they cannot control their bodies anymore. It happens extremely rarely, mostly when the very first transformation occurs and these kinds of Lanxlits are always hunted by professional hunters and they're kept in diamond cells, far far away from civilization until their time comes and they finally die.

King is owned by me
Please, do not steal or use!

Character Information
