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Lolock Shuhazan Adamaz by Sparkyopteryx

Lolock Shuhazan Adamaz


Lolock Shuhazan Adamaz
186 lbs.
Sorenese human, natural werecrocodile lycanthrope

Biography & background

His heredity hales from the rugged wasteland of Sorensia, although he was not born there. His lineage on his father's side traces down generations from the "High" Sorenese, whereas his mother while still of the same race as his father, is a transplant to the region of Calythia. His formal given name is Kizurri Shuhazan Adamaz, the middle being his ancestral clan name and the appellation at the end his chosen profession that translates from Sorenese simply to "bladewielder," which in their culture means a mercenary, pirate or bandit outside of the employ of the formal military.

He is currently serving as the standing quartermaster for the corsair ship Corasta's Wane. He's butted heads with a few captains of the ship in the past due to what he calls "Differences of ideologies and perspective." (whether he started these conflicts or simply ended them remains to be seen) He's still a crew favorite though, which helps him when pirate politics turn rough. Corasta's Wane generally sticks to piracy off the coast of eastern and southern Calythia in the Cleighad Gulf, but will also circuit around the Konos and the southern coast of Avignion. The Calythian junk is fast and by and large has not gotten caught yet, although there have been close shaves and many a lost deckhand in battles with coast guard and other pirates. In between sailing and piracy he's also often sold his services as a river guide and tavern guard at various ports.

His decidedly un-Sorenese first name comes from a nickname the Dwarven ship's master coined some years ago. It comes from the Dwarvish word loloch'n which is their word for "trenchant" or "sharp." It's stuck ever since, and he seems to prefer it over his birth name. Permanent green tattoos on his face and wrists are Sorenese "criminal marks" denoting that he's killed fellow criminals, slaves and is a cannibal. When he's in croc or hybrid form his scales cover these tattoos.

Lolock got his natural lycanthropy from his mother's side, who is part of a hereditary community of crocodile lycanthropes who live in an isolated city in Calythia colloquially known as Toothport. This city has a long standing history of being the seat of an ancient crocodile cult, and the unique lycanthropes that populate this city have taken it upon themselves to be the guardians of the surrounding coast and the entrance to the geographically and economically important Tooth Bay.

Personality and outlook

Lolock is a very no-nonsense, take-no-drek sort of individual. Despite the fact that he is a lycanthrope and has a fierce temper as a result, he's far from brutish (at least most of the time). He's shrewd, observant and patient. More than once he's had to bide his time until the exact moment when he could strike out and turn the tables on an opponent, both in social aspects and in physical conflict. Such a thing has happened a few times with the aforementioned overbearing captains he helped overthrow.

Lolock seems to dislike company and human interaction to an above-average extreme. He tolerates most people at best, and outright avoids or disdains conversation at worst. The exception to this rule is when he's at sea working with a pirate crew: While he's still not terribly personable or talkative he works with the rest of the deckhands with startling intuition and efficiency, although one could argue this is more of a byproduct of his professionalism and longstanding experience working on ships than anything. As the quartermaster he has a great deal of influence and power aboard the ship but because of his ferocity in combat during raids and his unshakable reliability and good track record of not wielding his authority too heavily, the crew generally trust or at least accept him as an invaluable asset. Or at worst they're generally too scared to mutiny when he's on watch.

Miscellaneous other character info:

  • Setting: Alteir.
  • Known Relations and Relatives: None.
  • Like any other lycanthrope, Lolock is highly susceptible to silvered weaponry and will either fight more carefully or make efforts to take down enemies quickly that are equipped with such weapons.
  • Has thick natural armor even in human form.
  • Due to his lycanthropic phenotype, Lolock has a dearth of body hair (as opposed to mammalian phenotypes, who are generally very hairy) and it takes him four times as long to grow facial hair so it's easy for him to maintain a clean-shaven appearance, a rarity for pirates.

Character Information
