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Character Sheet: Kachi Reiuken by Myan

Character Sheet: Kachi Reiuken


Character Sheet: Kachi Reiuken


Birthday: June 3
Eye color: Red
Hair Color: Red and Black
Favorite Color: Rose


• Superstrength
• Flight
• Teleportation
• Sorcery (spell casting, energy blasts, shapeshifting, healing, elemental manipulation, magic combat)
• Barrier Generation (can also be used for binding)

Personality: She's a type likes to find and dabble in her own inner peace when life allows it. Stubborn to a fault, she won't budge from her usual current thought process of having things go her way unless she's persuaded to follow ideas not parallel to her own. Despite her tendency to let her temper get in the way sometimes, she has worked in keeping it quite restrained, yet not completely. She enjoys being helpful and courteous to others when she sees that they've shown her the same, but she may refuse if the someone is not deserving of it from her. Kachi is very intelligent, using a lot of it for magic and science, so she is sometimes the go-to person for it. She's quite motherly as well, although it was apparent she had such a side before she became an actual mother. Parts of her stubbornness has her refusing or hesitating to say and do things that required positiveness and affection, sometimes even telling a lie even though she's not a master at lying. Her honest side fights with her so she can fight off being too stubborn with optimism and affection just to not be a downer to anyone. She can easily fall back on threats to get her way and occasionally manipulates a person into believing the threat is real with possible back-up.

Likes: Enjoying the company of friends and family, helping people out, being polite, reading, studying, working in her lab to make potions/etc, cleanliness, rabbits, cute and elegant clothing, being respected as well giving respect, working out, fruits (mainly apples) and vegetables, experimenting, successful experiments

Dislikes: the thought of being out of shape, being disrespected, having her family and friends being disrespected, touched inappropriately, seeing women attempting to flirt with her husband, her inexperience with swimming, dogs, failed experiments

Other info:

♦ Very protective of her loved ones, particularly her family, she is liable to use any means to protect them and even becoming bloodthirsty if they are harmed in a way that she feels the offender deserves very harsh treatment.
♦ Gets seasick and can barely swim, but would like to try swimming so she doesn't drown so fast.
♦ Likes cooking
♦ Skillful at shapeshifting, but usually turns into animals and even mythical beasts.
♦ Has a phobia of dogs of scorpions, but won't disclose the source of the causes to anyone that isn't her closest family members
♦ Her clothing covers a generally toned body that she has been working on, but doesn't really have a need to show it off when it's not necessary
♦ Her husband assists her with personal doubts and feelings regarding herself, so her self-consciousness over her body has gradually been whittled down

Kachi © Me

Character Information
