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Flugll Golden Cutter Shell by FamiliarAlien

Flugll Golden Cutter Shell


Flugll Golden Cutter Shell

And now possibly the coolest character of all: a bivalve alien on wheels with visor glasses and a bowtie! lol I swear conceptually Flugll sounds the most interesting on paper. Anyway yay another UICA staff from the actual headquarters floating in space. Its been a bit. There's still one other among the final 3. So anyway info time!
Flugll was born on the very headquarters they now reside at least 50 years before the story (since their kind doesn't technically age they don't usually keep track of this). Both their parents are ambassadors for their sub species of Shlen and at the time laid their eggs unplanned at the UICA. Given how small their hatchlings would be they decided to stay in that location. Eventually Flugll as well as their sibling became came to be way too climatized to this area and decide to remain there indefinitely. Flugll was always the most outgoing of their clutch so instead of taking a highly specialized intellectual skill they decided to become a tour guide to visitors to their artificial planet home. As of the beginning of the story its business as usual for them.
As noted in the history Flugll is quite outgoing... for a Shlen at least. Like most members of their species they're still quite timid. As such when off duty they spend most of their time hiding in their shell to relieve any stress brought on by being around other species all day. They also aren't exactly the most patient of individuals and usually hide and refuse to interact with people that are being difficult or otherwise making them uncomfortable. That said assuming you're actually pleasant to be around they're quite willing to socialize with you for many hours on end. They're very soft spoken and prefer talking about casual things rather than political or social stuff and enjoy funny or otherwise silly things.
As far as flaws go they're... not very good with dealing with stressful situations well beyond what I've previously stated. Their brain kinda turns off its empathy/morality during times of danger so they go flooring it away from danger usually running much smaller and more fragile fleshy creatures down in the process. Its a hilarious sight but not something you want to experience yourself.
Overall a rather nice person at least if nothing bad happens suddenly.
Other points of interest:

  • Flugll has a pet Oemuk named Crunchy named as such for its happy of trying to eat pretty much anything that gets close to it the first time they encounter. Crunchy is only a few years old.
  • For a species with literally 4 eyes Flugll vision is actually very poor, they're very short sighted which explains the eyewear.
  • Like many Shlen that interact with land dwelling species on a regular basis they have a cart bolted to the underpart of their shell. Using an implanted device in body they're actually able to drive it without their thoughts alone because fancy sci fi tech stuff!
  • They've never actually been to their home planet even though they're now big and strong enough they could adapt to the oceans there. They have very little interest going there either since the oceans of Blaeta are filled with things they could eat them. Notably they've been to other planetary bodies before though.
  • Flugll wears a bowtie... because they honestly think it looks awesome its really no more complex then that, they like all types of bows. It also a convenient location for their badge.
  • Their name is pronounced "Fluhg-uh l" if you're wondering. Its honestly a major pet peeve of Flugll to have their name mispronounced.

So enjoy and feel free to leave feedback or a favourite if you want... and hopefully there isn't too many typos.

Entirety and all concepts related to it belong to Goatlactic

Character Information
