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??? by FamiliarAlien



7 feet or so

Hey its that character I've said basically nothing about! I literally can't say much about them because while they do show up relatively early in my sci fi their relevancy and motivation as a villain only kinda become known by the late 3rd to early 4th arc of the story ._.. This character is very spoiler filled so woohoo for once a profile that won't be very long. Onward!
Name: Unknown (though they often just go by nicknames like "The Cloaked one")
Unsurprising not much is known here. What little is known is they're a primary ally of Zalfzed and Tarraeqa and have been so for several decades at least. As of the beginning of the story they're providing some manpower primarily to the latter's forces to try to retrieve a slave.
Cloaked One is a very philosophical individual and seems to enjoy discussing topics of morality and aspects of war... sometimes to a point they come off as their own personal filibuster. Luckily otherwise they're usually quiet. ??? may also get less than quiet when faced with an irritant as unlike their two main colleagues they are violently temperamental and often command individual to be tortured, sold off or executed upon failure. Notably Cloak one never lifts a single hand to do any of the actual killing and uses their mooks to do the dirty work.
As far as good traits go... uh... well as long as you do as they say they won't let anything bad happen to you? Is that a good trait? I guess it is when compared to how backstabby a lot of my other villains can get. The Cloaked one is very goal oriented and sees no point in causing chaos outside what is needed though what goals exactly they have isn't known outside they seem to gathering military power for whatever reason. All and all a very mysterious and strange character.
Other points of interest:

  • When I state they don't ever lift single digit I mean it, its unknown if they have fingers or ever how many arms are underneath that cloak.
  • While nothing is fully known about their appearance they stand at about 7 feet and make a strange mechanical noise as they walk around.
  • Possibly the strangest thing about this character is its voice (which is sadly partially lost as a notably trait due to this being for a comic and not a cartoon): it doesn't actually match up with any of the 16 recognized sentient species though they could be using technology to distort it.

So enjoy and feel free to leave feedback or a favourite if you want... and hopefully there isn't too many typos.

Entirety and all concepts related to it belong to Goatlactic

Just one villain (and 3 non villains...) to go!

Character Information


