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Kirvak of the Mourie School by FamiliarAlien

Kirvak of the Mourie School


Kirvak of the Mourie School

Hey look its been about 1 zillion years since I had a villain drawn but here we go and with the new sheet type and everything (obviously a bit different looking than good guy characters)! Yep I'm trying to home stretch on getting all the important characters done. After this there's 6 others include 2 more villains. Kirvak is the most stereotypical villain of the series including being the one probably dressed most like your standard sci fi villain. Thing is she's honestly the second biggest threat in my sci fi, will get to Zalfzed (the most) eventually. So profile time.

Kirvak much like her ancestors inherited her position from the previous dictator in charge of their armada which was her father. From birth she was raised to take on this position which she takes very seriously. Unlike her father that did very little in a way of conquest Kirvak has been spending the last 5 or so years since taking charge gathering supplies and power. Her goal is to completely obliterate the power the UICA (essentially space UN) has over intergalactic affair in other to make conquering and enslaving planets much easier.
Not long before the story begins she heard of a device created by a slave that could render a planet lifeless. Wanting her hands on such a fantastic device she went to bid on it... only to find out the slave had destroyed the blueprints/progress of the device and escaped. Incredibly angered by this she's made it her goal to be the one to get her hands on this slave that dared mess with her plans. As of the beginning of the story she's been sending some of her soldiers to hunt down and retrieve the slave for her purposes.
Kirvak is... a very unpleasant person as you'd imagine from the above history. She feels the Vishquinza are the superior species of the universe and should be able to take that position on top. As such she's egotistical and very begrudgingly works with other species even if she feels they're below her. Much to be expected for her species she's aggressive and is well not above doing all manner of evil to get her way.
For positive traits... should I really be giving someone like this positive traits? Really??? Um she does honestly and truly care about Vishquinza kind and as much as she usually wouldn't back down from anything if Vishquinza lives are at stake she's likely to be willing to negotiate or back off completely. Its really the only nice thing about this person. I wouldn't abuse this trait as she is willing to let some of her kind die if only to not be manipulated. All and all a nasty person which you honestly never have to cross because you're probably in trouble.
Other points of interest:

  • Despite what you may perceive on Entirety up to now regarding the villains Kirvak actually mostly works AGAINST the rest rather than as an ally. In particular she hates Zalfzed but often ends up having to endure his presence since he has more financial wealth and more ties with other things going on in the universe.
  • If you don't get the continuity nod here (since I'm sure some people are paying attention to the story) the Mourie school is the one that attempted to attack Earth back in the 1940s and tried a few times after that as well. While it wasn't the one responsible for the near extinction of the Domran but they did eventually obliterate that particular group during a power struggle. That's right, this family is actually STRONGER than the family that wiped out and entire planet of sapient life so quickly no one even had a chance to stop them. Food for thought!
  • If the above image didn't make it obvious Kirvak likes ridiculously oversized pistols and owns a massive collection of them. Usually she accessorizes them to match whatever nanotech armour she's wearing.
  • No I'm not confused on the gender here, Kirvak is in fact a lady. Vishquinza don't have secondary sexual characteristic like humans.
  • Even though she could easily take a back seat and never engage in combat Kirvak is actually quite fit for her species. She can definitely hold her own in a fight be it with guns, swords or even fists.

So enjoy and feel free to leave feedback or a favourite if you want... and hopefully there isn't too many typos.

Entirety and all concepts related to it belong to Goatlactic

Character Information

