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Rin Mellows by Inkblot

Rin Mellows


Rin Mellows
5' 1" (human) - 7' 11" (dragon)
134 Lb (human) - 433 Lb (dragon)
ST mutant (stimulant transformation)

Name: Rin mellows

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5' 1" (human) - 7' 11" (dragon)

Weight: 134 Lb (human) - 433 Lb (dragon)

Species: ST mutant (stimulant transformation)

Birthday: June 11th

Occupation: part-time hero support/ food market manager/ student


-normally, rin doesn't have any special abilities as a human. in her dragon form, she has increased strength and durability, as well as enhanced vision and sense of smell, and scales that resist fire, which is useful considering she has the ability to ignite herself. her scales are covered in a thin layer of oil, that when heated can ignite, causing her to burst into flames. the tip of the dragon's tongue is very hot, so i touch of it to the scales on its body is enough to make it burs into flame.

-Rin changes into her dragon from when she feels fear, tension, nervousness, anxiety, or panic. however, rin's condition is unique, as her transformations suffer from a condition known as overflow. when rin changes forms (ie from human to dragon, or vise versa), part of her old from stays. usually these traits are just mild mental changes. however, the more times she transforms consecutively, the more traits transfer over.

-since her dragon form has a much more savage and twisted mind set, rin can become nervous or fearful of what her dragon form might do. this can lead her to transform. with part of herself still in her dragon form, she will become conflicted and tense. when she changes back, she will have bits of her dragon from's mindset in her, and thus she will become more fearful and tense of what she might do now, leading her to panic and to transform once more.

  • this cycle can continue, getting worse and worse with each change. after many tfs, physical traits can start to stay; a sign that her mental state has become unstable. at this point, an intervention would be needed, as any more tfs can lead to risky outcomes that might put her life in danger.

  • the overflow will reset if she has a long enough wait between changes though, so prevention of tf is key to keep her safe.



-selling food, talking to and supporting friends, reading, writing, spending time with friends and family, relaxation, watching the sunset, and good food.

The Dragon:

-the dragon is basically rin's personality, but without the restraint of reason or morality. the dragon likes everything rin does, but sees it thought a more sinister mind, and thus has more sinister likes as well. due to its lack of morality, it will often seek out the more vile parts of rin's likes for a greater thrill

-this includes sexual activity, playing tricks on people, causing fights, terrorizing people, mocking and taunting other, and fighting.



  • her dragon form, and the terror it can cause, the over flow that comes with her condition, hurting people she loves, putting people in danger, aggression or harm towards herself or her friends, and ill spirited people.

The Dragon:

-due to the lack of restraint, many of rins dislikes are not shared with the dragon. the only time it would dislike something is if something didn't go its way.



-calm, caring, loving, shy, harmless, timid, withdrawn, and gentle

The Dragon:

*due to the lack of restraint of the dragon, many of rin's darker and more mischievous parts of her personality come through with it. rin, usually unaware of these traits, only is able to call upon them in her dragon form.

-sexually driven, aggressive, arrogant, lustful, violent, sensual, predatory, and mischievous.

rin was just another college student trying to make it by with a part time job. but one night she just happened to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time. some wandering members of synthex, the evil organization dedicated to "perfecting" the human race via mutation, kidnapped her and gave her a mutation, in an effort to cause chaos in the town. she awoke the next morning with no memory of what had happened, and proceeded to go about her way. however, when she stress of her job and college began to build, she transformed into her dragon form, starting a downward spiral of chaos in her life. she was taken by the heroes in hopes of helping her contain her other side. the efforts seemed hopeless until she finally managed to break the cycle when she almost put her brother in harms way. from then on she helped keep the other heroes safe and happy while they faced the evil that was synthex.

Character Information
