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Sterling by Sadalsuud-Staridae



Domestic Feline

Sterling is VJ's oldest cat.

When she first moved into her house, a gift given to her for her service to the Draconi'dia Council, Sterling was the stray cat in residence. Once she had settled in, he decided she was perfect and invited himself into her life and her current recovery period. In essence, he adopted her and not the other way around.

He is responsible for the beginnings of VJ's menagerie of pets. During a bad storm, Sterling sought out and rescued four abandoned kittens - Quentynn, Wilberforce, Xylia & Huntley. Upon bringing them back to his mistress, VJ always intended to simply foster them and then hand them over to a rescue shelter...but things never eventuated to that point and they ended up becoming part of their little family.

He has proven to be almost grandfatherly in a way. Sterling rarely lets nonsensical or troublesome behaviour thrive under his watchful gaze. He's very protective of VJ, of whom he sees as his mistress and nobody's else's - he has a difficult time warming up to other people in her life and can turn into quite the hissy, spitty tomcat if he doesn't like the look of you.

He's a big, fluffy elderly cat, the biggest of the boys in the house, barring Casper, Rhubarb and Aurealis. He has no visible fangs as they have worn down quite a bit, but he can still bite and scratch if he is rubbed up the wrong way though. Just because he doesn't have visible teeth doesn't mean he's not liable to give you a warning shot or a parting blow if you make him annoyed or angry.

His pride of place in VJ's house is to be seated on the kitchen counter when she's present in the house, or atop the headboard of her bed. In either place he is able to bring order to the menagerie that makes up VJ's life with an implacable calmness.

VJ's nickname for him is "The Old Man".

Character Information
