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Carrusel by DameGreyWulf



Identifies as male
10 foot(?)

So this is a reaaaally old turnaround of Carrusel.

Carrusel is a large robot who was made to entertain children with a "Day of the Dead" theme at a Halloween theme park. The park has been closed for a long time due to several freak accidents.

He was among the first robots to be made for the park and as such isn't as advanced as his brethren and isn't really that bright. They didn't try very hard with him, he was kind of a test run. That's why he was relegated to taking care of children.

He speaks in two different voices. There's his normal voice which basically sounds typically robotic. Then there's his preprogrammed voice that sounds more Latino and with that "recorded" sound. The second voice is triggered by key words, questions, or phrases spoken to him, in which it spits out an automatic answer in Spanish whether he likes it or not. He only has very simple responses like this. The rest of him speaks and functions in English, but he's still learning how to interact.

He speaks very brokenly and simply and tries his best to understand the world around him, but most of what he learned is from children. As a result he has a very childlike demeanor and wonder about the world. He also has a hard time understanding just how big and fearsome he is so he gets very hurt and upset when people run from him or when he accidentally breaks something. His best friend is Patchy the golem-zombie cat.

His hat brim spins and the bobbles on it go up and down like a carousel (I think I may redesign them to be sugar skulls though). His neck can extend and retract and his arms and body are very stretchy, like rubber bands. He can switch his hands out for rubber mallets (standard fair design). His hat used to raise up and down to show his eyes but that's been long broken. His smile is painted on, so his mouth doesn't move when he speaks. His eyes can see through his hat but that's about all they see through.
To "sleep", he simply burrows his legs into the ground (hence the mud and rust) and then flops over.

Character Information
