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Einsamkeit by FeyPhoenix



Ein/eins (can use masculine pronouns for ease)
12' 7"
Essence of Existence

Einsamkiet was born into this world from a solidification of lonely feelings. Ein was literally lonliness made flesh. What was worse was that ein skin is full of toxins and chemicals that make things ill, that come in contact with ein.

Einsamkiet, though ein is the essence of lonliness, does what ein can to find another soul to spend time with. In this pursuit ein came across several people who actually wanted to know ein, despite eins toxicity and overall horrifying appearance... though most were scared of ein. But, in the end, those few who did try were unable to stay with ein. Einsamkiet either made them terribly ill or inadvertently killed them due to eins toxic flesh and fluids.

That was until he met Analise. Analise is a fawn who is also shunned by her kin due to the aspect of nature she represents... toxins and poisons. She came across Einsamkiet shortly after ein'd accidentally killed ein partner of the time. The other members of eins former lover's village were banding together to try and put ein down like a wounded animal, but Analise stepped between them, threatening to destroy their crops if they tried to harm ein.

It was then that Analise and Einsamkiet became fast friends and lovers. Due to Analise's nature, she was unaffected by Einsamkiet's poisons or toxins... so they could stay together forever. And suddenly Einsamkiet didn't feel like the essence of lonliness anymore!

Originally a "portrait" commission from the amazing DMA, I was told to give prompts and a general type of creature (monster, anthro, alien, feral) and any specific features. I chose monster, wings and at least 4 arms, and three prompts which were:
The feeling of loneliness while surrounded by people.
Extreme gender confusion.
Disconnection from everyone, even those who try to love you.
And later sent this picture:
Those are kind of feelings I get on a daily basis, so I figured I would mesh with the character, and what I received was absolutely wonderful.

Some more fun facts:

They are covered in thorny protrusions, making them difficult to get close to, even for those that care for them.

The gaps are actually holes that go all the way through their body, just like the holes in their wings as a sense of loneliness or emptiness.

The clasped hands between their legs representing their discomfort with their gender, or even representing their own gender. Also calls to mind the wringing of hands that accompanies worry or frustration.

The hands upon their head is representative of feeling alone, even if others are there.

The locks through the eyes represent the inability to see those they love while the locks on the mouth represent their inability to express their love for others.

The thorns drip some unknown fluid that I will eventually elaborate upon, once I figure it out myself.

So far I have not elaborated upon this lore or found their backstory, but the name came quite quickly to me. I had almost decided on it before even seeing the creature. Einsamkeit is loneliness in german and fits well with their overall appearance and feel.

Art (c) DMA DMA

Character Information
