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Semiramis by MeaKitty



6ft 2in
Unknown (Fluctuates)

Called Mira for short, was created in a lab as a genetic experiment with DNA. She is a mixture of Kangaroo, Fox, Bat, Rat, Peacock and Lizard, amongst many other things (Best explained by simply looking at her images). She was grown to full adult form in a "test tube" and spent much of her first months of life subject to tests, varying from simple reflexes to massive pain threshold experiments. Originally designed purely for scientific experimentation in combining DNA, she exceeded their expectations with her mixed heritage. Once fully grown to adult-hood and having successfully completed their first round of testing she was released, they were quite surprised by her actual consciousness... she was able to think, to learn, and to react. Not to mention her level of intelligence too, quickly grasping the English language beyond most of the scientists themselves, and being able to solve puzzles in a coherent manner.

But despite her high IQ Mira was an experiment, and soon enough it was back to a second round of testing, this one worse than the first. At first she would beg and plead for them to stop cuz it hurt, but soon she got used to it and realised they wouldn't stop. No matter what she did they wouldn't stop. Eventually Mira found her first limit; she snapped... she killed several scientists as she fled from the lab, and left total devastation in her wake. She's been hunted ever since and continues to run from any authoritative figure she passes. Actually, for the most part she avoids people, mostly humans but any larger scarier looking half-breed, anthros or others. She'd rather flee or hide

Mira stands about 6ft tall, despite the fact that because of her mixed species she looks a lot shorter and stubbier. She also has the most unusual appearance because of her mixed breeding.

The most notable feature about her is her four ears; two Fennec Fox ears that sit upon her head, with two feline ears nestled below them on the side of her head. She has a tuft of multi-colored hair between them, that is fastidiously fashioned into dreadlocks from just behind her ears, that are then plaited down her back. The end falls to around about her ankles, though if unwoven it is far, far longer. She is a curvaceous woman, who is actually proud of her appearance and is not afraid to show it off. If she wears clothes, and I do mean IF, she often chooses low-cut, tight-fitting and often see-through clothes. Particularly dresses that flair out from her waist and rarely drop lower than mid-thigh.

By nature, and because of her early years spend locked away from it, Mira is a wanderer who is out to see the world with no destination in mind. She does, however, prefer more natural settings and can more often than not be found in the most secret of secluded areas that others dare not look for. She has no fear of heights, or of dark places, and wishes to experience everything and anything that she can. Her only goal in life now is to please people in any way she possibly can. And I do mean -any- way.

She has a passion for Arts and crafts, and doesn't go anywhere without her sketchbook and art supplies. She loves finding the beauty in her experiences and noting them down. She may not be the best, but it's a passion she's developed over the years and is constantly working on improving herself, purely for the sake of being able to record all of her new memories both good and bad. It's like therapy for her, and there's a lot of reasons for her to indulge in it at every opportunity that she can get, and while she's not the best she tries to improve herself whenever she can.