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Ardath by RenonVesir



140 lbs

Hair Color: Dark red, streaked with grey behind the ears

Eye Color: Grey

Languages: Common

Occupation: Thief, scavenger.

Alignment/Threat level: Chaotic chaotic. Mostly harmless.

Abilities: Affinity/communication with animals. Vanishes into brush or trees. Hard to track or follow. Has a knack for opening locks.

Appearance: Dressed in things pieced together from whatever clothing he's filched from some poor washer-woman's line. Long, sharply pointed, slightly mobile ears. Long feet with opposable big toes. Claws on fingers/feet. Wolf-like tail. Fanged eyeteeth. Beguilingly sweet face.

Personality: Ardath is a creature controlled by his whims, which change as often to the the breeze. His presence is usually realized far after he's already gone, as he has a bad habit of 'trading' people's possessions for things humans consider of little worth. The stolen clothing might have a yellow flower left behind in the clothespin. A loaf of bread stolen from someone's kitchen might have a pretty rock left behind instead. He likes children and will play with them, though the moment an adult comes to check on him, he's gone. Ardath has the typical love of music and stories that most fey possess, and can be counted on to crash any party he hears about.. even if he just hangs outside a convenient window to listen. That is, if he doesn't have the urge to steal everyone's instruments beforehand.

He would never admit it, but once in awhile, when he curls up to sleep.. he misses the crackle of the fireplace, the sturdiness of the wooden house, the boring old routine of the humans around him. For those few moments, he's lonely.

Background: Ardath is a Changeling, a troll child that was swapped for a human baby soon after their respective births. for awhile, things were fine. He behaved much the same as any other boy, though one with a wild and mischievous streak. As soon as he could run, it was hard to bring him home again, and it was impossible to keep him away from the thick forests that surrounded his village home. As he grew older, it became more and more obvious that he was not quite human. Whatever magics were in place to make him take the form of a human child wore away, and his parents were left wondering what had happened, exactly, to their flesh and blood child. They never grew abusive, only cautious of the wild fey that had taken up residence in their home, fearing retribution from whatever creatures had put Ardath there in the first place. Not that keeping him was a problem. Soon his travels had him out for days at a time, weeks at a time.

Even when he did return to the village, it was no guarantee that Ardath would actually come home. Instead, he would get light-fingered with someone's belongings and run off with it. He built a little den for himself inside an old tree, after hollowing out the softer inside, and he has stuffed it full of useless trinkets.

He often amuses himself by following travelers on the road without them really knowing about it.

Inspiration: Loosely based on Changeling/Troll legends.

Character Information



  • Link

    Is that a red head I see?! Very nice!! His feet are awesome. Especially love the naked time.

  • Link

    Red and a touch of grey. :3 heheh. he is a little troll.