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WilliaM by Nashoba Hostina


Nashoba Hostina

Guardian Daemon

Gender: Male
Actual Age: 63
Guardian Age: 6
Corporeal Weight: 670 pounds as a Daemon, 190 lbs if human
Height: 10’ as a Daemon, 6’2” as a human
Length: 25 feet

Basic Info:
WilliaM is not this Guardian Daemon’s True Name. It is simply the best translation available. A more accurate ‘version’ of his name is an icon, which looks a little like a W and an M smashed together, which is why those letters are capitalized in his spoken name. A truer translation than that would be the action of drawing that symbol in the air with your hands, but even that is a faint shadow of what his true name really is. The truth is, his name is impossible to properly convey in gesture, speech, or writing… It cannot be communicated, only known.

Guardian Daemons occur when a Personal Daemon becomes too dependant on and attached to its host, at which point, it metamorphoses into a sapient creature designed to protect its host from supernatural, spiritual, or emotional harm. WilliaM, while he often appears to be physical, is naturally an ethereal, noncorporeal being. As such, his features are somewhat fluid, and while his form usually remains basically the same, details vary. He is able to move through the physical world, completely invisible, except for when he chooses to show himself, or, on the rare occasion someone is sensitive to his presence and can see him anyway. His effect on the physical world is often minimal, though occasionally he is able to cause energy fluctuations of varying kinds, or make physical objects to move. It is only very rarely that he is able to manifest in the physical world, and often times in such scenarios, he must appear in a weaker, less conspicuous form: a human. He retains some of his creepier features though, such as some of his stripes, some claw-like nails, and sharp teeth. Oh, and of course, always has blazing yellow eyes.

When he first ‘Became,’ WilliaM was a very primal creature, raw and new and out of control, but now, most of the time, WilliaM is just a colossal pain in the ass. He’s snarky, crass, arrogant, pessimistic, and quick to anger. He loves to laugh at the misfortunes of others, especially if those misfortunes are caused by ‘human stupidity.’ As such, he is often something of a bad influence.

Strangely enough, being a jerk to someone is how he shows affection. If he dislikes someone, he will usually simply ignore them, or, if they’ve earned the effort, he will be very, very unpleasant to them.

However, deep down, WilliaM is actually a good guy. He tries not to show it, because he thinks it hurts his ‘badass’ image, but he’s actually very concerned about his host and those his host likes. When push comes to shove, he can be helpful, encouraging… even kind. Though, odds are that should it come up later, he will outright deny ever saying or doing anything of the sort.

Every character you have says a small something about you as a person, and, WilliaM says a few things about me that I don’t like to think about. Thus, WilliaM and I have had a rocky relationship. And yet, out of all of my daemons, he’s the most precious to me. He’s even appeared in my comic, and I consider him as part of the comic’s canon, even though he has no real role in the plot. Regardless, WilliaM has changed and grown a lot over the past few years, in appearance, story, and personality… and it’s about time he had a character sheet.

Edit: This is my reinterpretation of classical daemons (WilliaM basically counts as a agathodaemon/eudaemon), not modern demons.