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Morpheus by VibrantEchoes



230,749 (approx. 23 in human years)
Identifies as male
14.5 lbs

Name – Morpheus

Nickname(s) – Morphy (uncommon)

Species – Impubus

Gender - None; identifies as male

Age – 230,749 (approx. 23 in human years)

Height – 2'3”

Weight – 14.5 lbs

Personality – Bold, expressive, mischievous, and somewhat cocky. Morpheus is generally not serious in nature, and cares little for those he causes harm to if they're not close to him (not that he ever causes much harm other than the occasional nightmare). Oddly enough for his species, he is not reclusive, either, and will not hide in one place during daylight hours, though he will still try to remain unseen by humans in the real world.

Habits – As is typical of his species, Morpheus is mischievous and likes to mess with humans. Unlike most impubus, however, Morpheus prefers to invade and induce wet dreams more than nightmares, though he still does rarely cause nightmares, and more commonly, he has been known to induce sex-related nightmares. Most of the time, though, he will induce genuinely enjoyable wet dreams, playing into his victim's fantasies and desires. He usually does this to women and gay men, but also sometimes gets a kick out of giving straight men gay wet dreams. Usually the “victim” is unaware that this is Morpheus's doing, as he will not appear as his true self, but rather the object of his victim's desires or fantasies.

Body – His true form consists of a solid head with large pointed ears, big round eyes, and a jagged mouth, connected to a somewhat long, thin body that fades from solid to amorphous at the base. His shape-shifting is limited in that he cannot change the shape of his head, ears, or eyes, other than making expressions and adding features such as horns to the head.

Trivia – The reason I settled on making impubus shape-shifting creatures is because I couldn't decide exactly what I wanted Morpheus's design to be. This way I don't have to make an exact decision.

Sexual Description – Pansexual (gender identity and biological sex do not matter to him). Mostly enjoys being dominant, but will uncommonly act as a submissive if his “victim” would prefer that. Has nearly infinite potential in dreams due to shape-shifting abilities. He is genuinely more attracted to humans, but will also perform sexual acts with other impubus in the real world from time to time.

Impubus, Morpheus © VibrantEchoes

Character Information



  • Link

    lol I like him already, mostly his design without it being detailed, you've got him looking interesting

  • Link

    I LOVE this. He's so cute, and funny. :)