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Stoker Bramwell by stokerbramwell

Stoker Bramwell


Stoker Bramwell
Older Than He Looks
None o' Your Business!
Mixed Species Bat

Stoker is my one and only real "fursona," the mask behind which I have interacted with the furry community for more than a decade.

Stoker has a mixed ancestry, with both fruit bats and insectivorous bats in his family history, but the part which he plays up the most is his vampire lineage. He has seen FAR too many Dracula movies and that has permanently affected his sense of style and the way he carries himself. He likes to fancy himself as a dapper, stylish, sinister creature of the night whom the ladies (and the gents) can't resist. Sometimes he's even right.

He can be depicted as sexy or silly, goofy or serious. Sometimes he is depicted as an actual vampire, complete with supernatural abilities like hypnotic eyes, while at other times he's just a regular bat. His wings come and go in many different forms. The specifics of his appearance fluctuate, but he (almost) always has black and white fur and red eyes.

Stoker has a tendency to shed his clothes in any appropriate (or inappropriate) circumstance at the first opportunity, and when he DOES opt to remain somewhat dressed he'll almost always still go bottomless. His favorite outfits tend to be suits of a retrogoth pseudo-Victorian style.

Art featuring Stoker can range from General Audiences all the way to Adults Only, so tread carefully and watch your filters!

Art by the lovely (and snarky) none

Character Information



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    Gender = Penis Vurt da fuk!?

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      Well see boy bats and girl bats aren't the same. Boy bats and girl bats is different.

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        hahahahaha! So true!

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    I still want to draw all kinds of fanart of this guy.

    Also, that is the best censor-bar (cameo?) I've ever seen on a reference. Period.

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      By all means be my guest! And I'm rather fond of that particular censoring job myself. I think the face was my idea, but the frame, that was all her. <3

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        Reverse that.

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          3< .reh lla saw taht ,emarf eht tub ,aedi ym saw ecaf eht kniht I .flesym boj gnirosnec ralucitrap taht fo dnof rehtar m'I dnA !tseug ym eb snaem lla yB