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new species: kildes!! by Tryana (critique requested)

new species: kildes!! (critique requested)


hi guys, after pourin out a lot of thought, i came up w this species, kildes pronounced (keel-dee) or (keel-day) !!!

these species are divided into two types, the desert kilde and the arctic kilde!!
they have anatomical differences in body shape to suit their lifestyles!

all kildes are carnivorous!
they have nightvision, and their dual coloured eyes are usually very bright and contrasting from their fur coat!
these critters are only around 150 cm in height (excluding horns) !!
their average lifespan is ~80 years.
kilde names sound outlandish, stemming from their old languages (influenced by arabic, inuit and norse)!
the syntax of a kilde's name is [SURNAME FIRSTNAME] ! they don't have middle names, but do have hyphenated and apostrophe'd first names!

some examples:
Hjolbrin Ujkr'ea
Alfisr Kell-yxn
Ziraini Khosa
Jibqun Byn

(typically, names ending with vowels are feminine, and consonants masculine.)

they are completely sentient, and live in families of 5 - 10 with a family leader!
a mother kilde can produce a batch of 1 - 3 in a litter, which take around 8 months to develop in the womb.
homosexuality does occur in kilde, and are a tad rare, and out of the norm, but is not frowned upon. it is preferred however a kilde must mate at least once a year, to keep their already low numbers from dwindling. a kilde mating season occurs twice a year, and depends much on the weather!
their mating calls sound about the same as deer bleats!
kilde can be very sentimental and stay with one mate for life, but by average, kildes have at least an average of 7 mates in their lifetime, to ensure survivability to prevent extinction!

yes, they can wear clothes. the timeline they live in is flexible. they evolve into a functional civilized species! you can draw them in any setting, but the default is the early tribal stages of civilisation.
kildes love to accessorise! they would braid their hair and style them, and have a huge knack for jewellery!
kildes evolve their airsacs inwards througout the milennia, and it simply bonds into their vocal chords, and they are able to make extremely their voice reach extremely high volumes!
polyamorous heterosexual romances are the norm in the modern kilde world!

desert kildes have thinner, bolder coloured fur and live in desert areas, and live on small animals, and sometimes scavenge on carrion. their "horns" tend to be longer and sharper. they burrow homes underground and can run at impressive speeds (top speed at 70 km/h ! )

arctic kildes have thicker, more pastel coloured fur and live in arctic-tundra areas, and live on fish and the ocassional small animal. their "horns" tend to be shorter and blunter/rounder . they live in caves or make nests out of shrubbery and can swim at impressive speeds (top speed at 60 km/h !)

feel free to ask additional questions of this species
this is a closed species . i plan to make adoptable and customs of them!

the kildes shown are both male! a comparison chart for males and females are here:

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