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Meet Private Connor (2015) by LordDominic

Meet Private Connor (2015)


2015 art... because every group of military characters needs the screw-up, the sad sack, and the overly optimistic and cheerful one, here's the overly optimistic and cheerful one to round out the trio!

Description from the original submission page:

Meet Private Caleb Connor. Canine, male, age 21, infantry soldier of average skill, friends with Rollo and Farley. Definitely the most friendly, cheerful and optimistic of the three. He quickly became friends with Rollo and Farley, and is generally at least tolerated by the rest of the soldiers, but has a bit of a reputation for being a bit of a goof-off or slacker and isn't exactly a marksman... On the plus side, he's always willing to cheer up Rollo when he gets assigned to latrine duty after screwing up or Farley when he gets homesick.

I just decided out of the blue that I wanted to come up with a couple of characters that are military grunts. The low-level guys that aren't the big-name heroes or badasses with kill counts on par with the populations of small countries or enough exploits to make a video game franchise from. No, they are the sort of completely normal soldiers that would usually be cannon fodder for the stars, but I thought it would be fun to actually develop a couple such characters and hopefully come up with some fun adventures for them.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital