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Meet Private Reynard (2015) by LordDominic

Meet Private Reynard (2015)


2015 art.

Description from the original submission page:

Something a bit more serious this time...

Meet Private Farley Reynard, another one of the low-ranking soldiers. Vulpine, age 22, infantry soldier, Pvt. Randolf's buddy. He seems to be lost in thought, perhaps concerned about a future assignment or thinking about his friends and family back home. Normally a more friendly and cheerful sort, but not today. Maybe Rollo can cheer him up a bit by screwing something up and getting yelled at.

Along with Rollo Randolf, Farley Reynard is a new character for the new year. I just decided out of the blue that I wanted to come up with a couple of characters that are military grunts. The low-level guys that aren't the big-name heroes or badasses with kill counts on par with the populations of small countries or enough exploits to make a video game franchise from. No, they are the sort of completely normal soldiers that would usually be cannon fodder for the stars, but I thought it would be fun to actually develop a couple such characters and hopefully come up with some fun adventures for them.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital