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Oran MacKenna by KibaTheDemonicWolf

Oran MacKenna


hobbies: eating food, reading comics, and selling illegal weapons.


he uses small stores for his cover moving to a new one any time someone might be catching on to his little operation. An even though he's on the heavier side he can still knock someone's lights out, he just can't run away to well. He does Not like it when people poke fun at his weight either and will easily break someone's skull over this. He isn't 100% a bad guy though he donates to an orphanage and would never hurt a woman or child with his own hands. He doesn't care what the people he sells weapons to do though, because money is more important to him.
He seems to get really uneasy when families come up in conversation or a family enters his store.

favorite foods: hotdogs, powdered donuts, pizza, cheese burgers, and turkey sandwiches. doesn't really dislike anything even though he prefers some things over others like if you offer him a slice of ham or a salad he's gonna take the ham, but if you offer just a salad he isn't going to refuse it.

He doesn't just sell guns by the way, he sells other things to like explosives, poisons, landmines, obedience collars, demonic weapons, etc. and if he doesn't have it on hand he will try to find it for you for a price.

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