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Anubian android 1/2 by Cyborg-Lucario

Anubian android 1/2


Name: Herman

Age: 30

Abilities: Mouth is normally closed with it flashing with each syllable when talking, but opening his maw reveals that he has a cannon that can release a high frequency howl, he's an expert swordfighter and is agile.
He can also use his maw to eat and his ears can catch up the faintest of sounds.

Job: Bodyguard for hire

Likes: Swords, Egyptian architecture, cakes, cute characters (that one is more of a secret) and tv shows.

Dislikes: Bribes, thieves, dishonesty and wasting food.

Background: Herman was once a man who fell into a temple where he found a jackal mask which so happened to be made of an ancient but advanced technology which transformed him into a jackal android.
He's unable to change back into a human but he makes the best out of the situation and started a job as a bountyhunter to earn money through his talents.
Sometimes so are his clients not what he wanted and sometimes when a dishonest client tries to bribe him so does he end up eating them up instead.

When his clients does pay him well so do they pay him well as he now got a nice house with a beachview.

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