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80 Days Around the World by Changer the Elder

80 Days Around the World

Changer the Elder

EDIT: Made the eyes a bit smaller, because he kept creeping me out.

Warmup piece for today's painting session. Nostalgia wave inbound in 3, 2, 1...

"Our story begins in the year 1872, in this fine old city of London. To be more precise, in Seville Road no. 7. And here comes the hero of our tale - a gentleman named Willy Fog."

Aka the first ever geography lesson in my life. I still adore that series, even as a grown man.

I tried to base his likeness on Viktor Preiss - the amazing man who gave Willy his locally dubbed voice. Czech Willy has a deep, almost purring voice, that fits great with him being both a lion and high-class (Preiss has lots of experience playing nobles, he's often cast as nobility in local production), while being almost fatherly caring at the same time. Consequentially, Czech version of the series is the best and if you haven't heard it, you missed out a lot - the casting is perfect. And Romy doesn't squeal like a chipmunk high on helium....

And now, off to more painting.


"Jdem, ať tmou noční či dnem, cíl máme pouze ten - projít zem za osmdesát dnů, ať vyplní se sen, v němž zpátky domů chcem přes Singapur..."

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    Tak tohle byla rozhodně moje nejoblíbenější pohádka když jsem byla malá.. Nedávno jsem viděla upoutávku někde na ČT1 a udeřila mě těžká nostalgie :D Great artwork btw!

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      Tak já na ČT nespoléhám, mám vlastní kopii a tak jednou za půl roku si ji pustím :D