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[C: JabiruCrocuta] Commander Trun by Adleisio

[C: JabiruCrocuta] Commander Trun


Commission for jabirucrocuta for Trun of him in a Star Trek uniform, had a hard time picking but the TNG series is a classic and easily recognized and very well loved by a good majority of people. Other uniforms seemed a bit more obscure.

I would like to offer these sorts of commissions as a part of a large sci-fi portrait project for those interested. Still trying to work out decent prices. These can be done as illustrated graphite pieces, meaning far more detailed than a "sketch"

Trun ©   trun on FA

Art © Myself

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    (This is an early DS9/Voyager style uniform. But still good!)

    I've gotten myself drawn in uniform before. Might be interested in doing it again. ;)

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    Huh. So I guess that giant flying rock-monolith from Star Trek IV had a point after all. XD

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      I missed the reference, never seen ST IV

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        Dude, you need to see it! It's considered one of the best Trek movies alongside Wrath of Khan and First Contact! XD

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          I watched First Contact, loved it, watch Wrath of Khan, but had a really hard time getting through, the special effects just were really off putting for me.

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   are a fan of Star Trek...and yet not of Wrath of Khan... I cannot believe I just read someone say that... .. That's like someone saying they think Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a bad movie... It just...doesn't happen! ..

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              I don't like TOS, I still think Spock was an awesome character, but everything felt really cheesy. It wasn't any where near immersive. I also never really liked old films because so much of it felt tacky and over acted. I am very much a modernist, my favorite ST series was Voyager and I am one of the few who actually enjoyed the prequels for Star Wars, though my favorite will still either Ep 4 or Ep 6, Although with 7 being effing amazing, there are some minor issues I take with it, though I am hugely excited for Rogue One and Ep 8 next year.

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                I really liked Voyager and the Prequels, too, buuut... I must confess I could not STAND the Force Awakens... To me it just seemed like a sloppy, half-assed Star Wars fan film... XD But that's just me. XD

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                  I think they introduced a lot of new things, and I feel they had a lot to live up to and they couldn't have it as focused because they had to reintroduce the characters and set up for the next two movies. There were a lot of questions left over, but I love Rey, she is just a really bad ass character. I loved the references to the old movies and specifically how Rey basically started teaching herself how to use the force. I still get chills when she pulls the saber from the snow past Kylo Ren.

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                    ,,,I still think her character development felt WAAAY to rushed shoe-horned in. XD

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                      I can see that a little bit, but you have to remember, it is no longer about the old characters, it is about the new characters and how the old characters have changed and come to help them.

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                          Like I said I think that Ep8 and Ep9 are going to a good deal different, I want to know who Snoke is, because apparently he is almost literally as old as dirt, he has been around long enough to see the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. I find it fascinating to see how much more Kylo Ren struggles with the internal conflict of good and evil, where Vader was just the biggest bad guy ever. I liked their approach to it, yes some of it is a rehashing, but at the same time, it makes sense for the motives and goals they have. The First Order is the remnants of the Empire, reorganized in such a way that it is not as weak, Snoke having learned from the mistakes of Sidious.

                          Overall I think it was well done, even if there was a bit of rehashing, though for the universe of Star Wars, it makes sense and flows from what I'd expect, I likely would not have done anything different.

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                              Keep in mind that Luke Skywalker did too, at the end of Ep6. I remember watching a video on this as well, though might have trouble finding it as it was from a long time ago.

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                                Except Vader and the Emperor were TEMPTING him with the Dark Side, but he was just barely able to resist. Kylo Ren is trying desperately to resist the "pull of the light"! XD

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                                It's like saying "I KNOW I should be eating this double-decker chocolate cake...but DAMN am I craving a big plate of broccoli now..." XD

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                                  Also consider the Mace Windu straddled the line of light and dark in that he was able to use much of the dark side to enhance his own abilities without ever falling from the light, so...there is that one too.

                                  Surprisingly the Jedi were a bit arrogant and foolish, and the Sith point of view is not completely wrong if you simply look at their motto/credence, but because of how it is fueled, that is what make being a Sith wrong.

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                                    ...Mace Windu was a GREY Jedi. Again, even Grey Jedi have to be careful not to fall completely to the DARK. Kylo Ren was TRYING to be all DARK, but was complaining about a pull to the LIGHT! I'm sorry, but there is NOTHING you can argue to try and DEFEND this! XD

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                                      I am just saying that the whole dark side being inescapable is really not so black and white. Most of his complaints are that he is not evil enough or doesn't feel as evil as Darth Vader, but then he is also not a Sith either, just a dark side user. Snoke is not even a Sith. So I find it hard that this is a complaint, if here being trained to be a Sith, then this would be a legit problem.

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                                        "Sith" is just a particular rank-name for dark side users. The temptation of the dark side is no less effective to ANY force user, whether Jedi, Sith, Grey Jedi, Dark Jedi or any other Force wielding individual. That is the whole POINT.

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                                          No, the Sith is an actual philosophy and as we can see with many other Star Wars related media, especially the Rebels series and some of the Legends material, there ARE dark side uses who are not SIth, The Nightsisters are one. The hand of the Emperor is often a dark side assassin. Heck even Dark Jedi are dark side users who are not Sith.

                                          Also this:

                                          Actually you might like a lot of his stuff.

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                                            And yes it is tempting, but not infallible. Again Mace Windu was a grey jedi, so he was still subjugated to that temptation and so was Luke, and neither turned. I think Kylo is Just confused and being manipulated which is why he 'feels' the pull of the light, because he is unsure if this is truly what he wants, but he definitely feels betrayed and wants Vader to be a role model, but....needless to say. I think it interesting, because it is new and exciting to see someone pulled the other way. Actually the person from the video explains this much better than I can in other videos.

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                                              It doesn't change the fact that it's a complete, unnecessary contradiction the the very MEANING behind all the OTHER movies! I'm sorry, but there's just no way you or anyone else can deter me on this. XD

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                                                Maybe that is the point? Showing that there is more to it than just what was in the previous movies.

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                                                  The difference is, this isn't EXPANDING the universe, it's completely taking a DUMP on the entire MORAL THEME of the FRANCHISE! That hate, anger, selfishness and greed are HARD TO RESIST, and therefore one must discipline their minds and wills with YEARS of intense training in order to FIGHT those temptations and the ones who embrace them!

                                                  It would be like making a Star Trek movie where the moral is "technology, exploration and acceptance is BAD and we should all just go back to being homogeneous hippy Amish farm-boys who refuse to help save TRILLIONS of lives just so they don't have to move to another plane-OH WAIT THAT ALREADY HAPPENED IT WAS CALLED STAR TREK INSURRECTION AND IT SUCKED TOO!!!"


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                                                    I actually really enjoyed Insurrection because it is not saying that technology is bad. It is say that we need to not become arrogant and egotistical with our advances in technology. It is taking a look at what could happen if we become more self absorbed into our need for technology, what could we miss if we bury ourselves in it.

                                                    I mean look at the internet, false information is spread everywhere, because the technology has made an easy scapegoat or out for people to claim that their facts are real when in fact they are pulling from old myths and false information. Look at the vaccines cause autism problem, that still has issues today because people buried themselves into technology and ran with the top hit results which came from a paper with falsified data, was retracted, and the Dr. lost his license and has thus been defamed, but because of the internet it still makes the rounds.

                                                    Technology is great and wonderful, but it remains a double edged sword. Nuclear technology is the prime example of this. It has the ability to power the world, but it is not without a cost, the ability to make one of the most devastating creations of man, because the power has made certain politicians arrogant and over confident.

                                                    Insurrection is the epitome of warning us about the dangers of ourselves, not necessarily technology itself, but the are our own worst nightmare.

                                                    In reference to SW Ep7, I think it is a way blurring the lines because how can someone fall if they do not have that inclination naturally? Kylo has fallen, but he feels the pull of the light because subconsciously it may not truly be him, or that there is more going on. There is always more going on under the hood of the creators than we see on the surface, only they know who Kylo really is, we have only seen windows into who he is.

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                                                      You're point about technology may be valid, but there are a LOT better movies out there that emphasize that same point.

                                                      And AGAIN, no matter what YOU or ANYONE else tries to say, I will NOT change my opinion about the failures of TFA just because a lot of people still "enjoy" it. Go ahead and enjoy it if YOU wan't, but just please respect my right to choose NOT to.

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                                                        You can enjoy it or not enjoy it all you want, I don't care, I am simply pointing out that there is a lot more to it then just the surface level view that we see on the screen.

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                                            Yes, I am aware of all this. XD