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Fast Food Feast (1/2) by Snozzy

Fast Food Feast (1/2)


Everyone in the store turns to watch this... thing as it shoves its way through the front doors. Belly hanging so low it's nearly on the ground, shiny black flesh wobbling and bobbing as it sluggishly approaches the counter. The room is quiet, save for the quiet but ominous groans and gurgles of the creature's stomach, now spilling over and onto the counter as it waddles up.

"W-Welcome, uh... sir? What c-can I get you?" The poor cashier croaks, looking up into the creature's eyes. Even though it doesn't seem to have a mouth, everyone in the building can hear it's reply.

"More... Now." Simple orders, delivered by a muffled, rumbling voice. Half drowned out by the increasingly loud groaning of that immense, rubbery gut. The counter is creaking. The lights are starting to flicker. Someone runs for the door...

A very self indulgent pair of doodles~ Wanted to show off just how... hungry I can be, and why not do so by clearing out a fast-food joint? I'll just take everything on the menu.
And everyone in the building. Heavily inspired by a recent playthrough of Super Fatty RPG. Put me in a very voracious, gluttonous mood. Also, thanks to the four folks on twitter who let me use them as the background characters here! Was a fun lil thing to include.

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Visual / Digital