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Torment cover art by Zombi_Rat

Torment cover art


It's been a long journey but I've finally made it. After months of writing and editing, a week of formatting and coding, and all kinds of tears and tantrums along the way... I've finally done it, my first novel is complete and available for purchase!

I had initially planned to commission another artist to do my cover art, but having not quite enough funds I was left with one option... Tackle the job myself. I'm not being a drama lama when I say this took me quite literally days to complete, and so many layers...! I think all in all I worked on it every day for a week before I was satisfied, and I'm glad I did. Turns out when you put your heart and soul into something you can draw it ;p

Credit for the poses goes to my long suffering fiancé who I made pose for me for an epic 'werewolf poses' photoshoot inspired by art and images I've seen kicking around on the web. Bless him he's so tolerant!

The book itself is a horror which contains an abundance of gore and a reasonable amount of adult content, and focusses on my favourite supernatural beings... Werewolves! Its a horrific story of savagery and revenge, and definitely not for the faint hearted, so if you like your literature blood soaked, then it will be right up your alley.

If you would like to buy a copy, you can purchase both paper copies and digital ones from amazon here:

image and writings © to me, S. L. Mewse. No permission is given to re-upload this artwork, thank you for respecting the time and effort put into this piece

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Visual / Digital