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Intrusive thoughts by ZombieCat

Intrusive thoughts


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    Mood. Though for me it's more often "A.I. is going to go full Skynet and wipe out all organic life on the planet" and "climate change will destroy the biosphere and render Earth inhospitable to most life." Also sometimes "In quadrillions of years the universe will expand to the point where all particles are lightyears way from each other, entropy will be maximized and nothing will exist for the rest of eternity as the universe reaches heat-death. Unless Dark Energy increases in strength in which case all matter will be ripped apart by the accelerating expansion of space down to even subatomic particles in only a few tens of billions of years."

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      A.I will NEVER be that good, especially since it's just a tool of capitalism and not truly intelligent. And that other stuff isn't worth worrying about as it's not likely to happen in your lifetime.

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          It's called fearmongering, and you fell right for it.

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            All the science communicators are warning about it, have been for years.

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              It's REALLY hard to take you seriously, so I don't.

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                Then why did you reply to my comment to begin with? Sometimes I don't even take myself seriously. Or is it just the fact that there are people who exist who sometimes have borderline existential nihilistic thoughts terrifies you?

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                  Because I was bored, also I'm kinda done with people being sad all the time over things they have no power to fix.
                  I've been through it many times and it eventually got exhausting, yeah sometime i still do have sad for no real reason moments but I get over them quickly.

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                    Well kinda the whole point of this vent art piece and my comment was that just because we can't fix an existential issue doesn't mean it doesn't still bother us.

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                      Well obviously, different people have different means of coping, but letting your life be controlled by existential dread is unhealthy.

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                        Never tried to claim it was healthy, just that it's not always easy to fix.

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    I get this sometimes ^^;

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    I was going to leave a too-dark joking response, but instead I'll just say I find this very relatable. It does just blast through you and sweep away your joy like that.