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Fem-Zigg Refferance by Zigg-Zapp

Fem-Zigg Refferance


Fem-Zig (A.K.A. Rad' Zigg, Ziggy, Z-Z) was once a mild-mannered, modest, quite goat who wouldn't say boo to a goose until, on his 25th Birthday ( he was injected with an overdose of the experimental growth hormone Hy-pur; a drug designed to give the victim Hyper proportions! After 30 minutes he was injected with enough hy-pur for five people, stretching and bloating his body beyond all measure, causing him to swell rounder and grow a pair of large milky breasts!

This new shape came as a shock to the once wee goaty boy, he was unsure exactly how he could go on with such a warped body, but the worse was yet to come. In a moment of self-reassurance he decided to sample his own milk and in doing so kick-started a new growth spurt, it shrank him down to a more modest and normal size, but one that was more feminine in appearance, as he deflated to a normal size he breathed a sigh of relief but started to feel light headed, his mind started to become blurred and from the mist awoke a side of him which he never knew he had, he became Fem-Zig!.

Fem-Zig (A.K.A. Rad' Zigg, Ziggy, Z-Z) is almost the exact opposite of Ziggy, he is louder, brasher, wilder, overly confidant, bubbly and far far more feminine. But this new found body came at a cost, he became ditzier, more air headed and became in essence a bit of a bimbo. He is (mostly) harmless, all be it overly eager, over the top and somewhat confused...

He believes whole heartedly that it is the 1980's, despite all evidence to the contrary. Any attempt to inform him otherwise is shrugged off by him as just being some kind of sci-fi prop or he just sees straight through them as though they aren't there at all. This belief so strong that it has influence his personality and caused him to develop a a stereotypical 80's valley girl accent, rich in 80's slang and buzz words, referencing shows and movies long forgotten, and will deck his green body with over the top 80's clouting which he buys at charity and costume stores and is often surprised at how cheap they are and is often confused as to why clouting like that or 80's era gadgets are being sold at such low prices, once again not knowing what year we are in!

This 80's Valley Girl persona steeps deeper than his voice and clouting and unintentionally reflects one of his personal flaws, in this form he has become incredibly vain and will often spend hours adjusting his outfits, hair and make-up to make himself all the more pretty, this vanity however goes far deeper; it is his ambition is to become the most beautiful creature on the planet, to become loved and adored by all, to utterly irresistible to all sexes and genders and is willing to go to any lengths to achieve that...

Despite these short comings he is still compassionate, he tends to be very protective of his friends and will often do his best to ensure they are looked after tapping into an almost maternal instinct even going so far as to unconsciously mothers younger and smaller furs.

It is easy to get on his good side, much like his normal form he is good natured -all be it more [i]friendly[/i]- though a quick way to get into his good books is to buy him something sweet to eat, like his favourite candy Turkish Delight; he often jokes about having a body as soft and as sweet as it and will do practically anything for you should you give him some!!

Much like his normal self he tries to make money where he can, selling scrap metal, cheap low-paid cover work and selling his own milk which he has dubbed as Z-Milk; Z-Milk is his own breast milk which has strange transformative properties on the consumer causing them to change into their ideal shape and form, their deepest darkest fantasy, whether they want to or not! Fem-Zigg has not drunk any of it since he first turned into his new shape for fear of what doing so could turn him into next, it could be something even more feminine or something far worse...

Well, if I am going to start uploading things to here may as well start with a reference! Or something... I dunno... Erm...

Hope you like it!

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