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[IPad] Just Pumkat lol by Zeskverta

[IPad] Just Pumkat lol


Just simply a little drawing I did of Pumkat since i felt like doing so
There is one thing of it though, which is literally in the title, it is actually made using an Ipad rather than using my old tablet still with my pc, it was one of the first proper pictures I made using it back in September
I draw using Procreate there as I used it from borrowing an Ipad from my college for using that app, and immediately loving the feel of it, which I immediately bought as soon as I now got my own Ipad
So how I feel about it? fucking love it.. well on most part- like I love how it feels, I like how drawing on it feels and the amount of brushes that i absolutely will not use too much of unless I really really feel like it with some of them- and using effects, and the selects, and even just moving around the canvas is nice (oh yeah and doing animation too, even when the guys there are making another program for it specifically for the animation part of the program)
..It's simply the layering stuff I personally do not like since it is pretty different from how I do in PC.. oh and no way to expand the selection without the feathering option, and the alternative leaves only either thicker outlines with no antialias, or thicker outlines where the outline is just blurry so >:(((((
But still having to use for a month whenever I am far from home it does feel nice, and honestly drawing on it just felt better than the Tablet on my PC..buuut, soon that will be changed... eventually .3.
Pumkat - acstlu

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Visual / Digital